The Works of Robert Herrick
Note: These categories are the editor's own, used solely for better organization on this page.
The Standards
The Vine
Delight in Disorder
Corinna's Going A-Maying
Upon Julia's Clothes
To The Virgins, to Make Much of Time
To Julia
Upon Julia's Recovery
The Parliament of Roses to Julia
The Weeping Cherry
Upon Julia's Fall
The Pomander Bracelet
His Sailing From Julia
The Rosary
His Request to Julia
Upon Julia's Voice
The Rock of Rubies, And the Quarry of Pearls
Upon Roses
To Julia (I)
Upon Julia's Riband
The Frozen Zone; Or, Julia Disdainful
Tears Are Tongues
To Julia (II)
A Ring Presented to Julia
Julia's Petticoat
On Julia's Breath
The Captiv'd Bee, or The Little Filcher
To the Fever, Not to Trouble Julia
Upon Julia's Breasts
The Perfume
The Silken Snake
Upon Her Blush
The Bracelet to Julia
His Embalming to Julia
Upon His Julia
On Julia's Picture
Her Bed
Her Legs
Upon Her Alms
The Dream (II)
Upon Julia's Unlacing Herself
The Lawn
Upon the Nipples of Julia's Breast
To Daisies, Not to Shut So Soon
To Julia in the Temple
Upon Julia's Hair Filled With Dew
Another On Her
Fresh Cheese And Cream
To Julia (III)
To Julia, The Flaminica Dialis or Queen-Priest
Art Above Nature: To Julia
To Julia. (IV)
The Night-Piece, to Julia
His Charge to Julia at his Death
The Rainbow, or Curious Covenant
Love Palpable
Upon Julia's Sweat
Upon the Roses in Julia's Bosom
The Candour of Julia's Teeth
Upon Her Weeping
Another Upon Her Weeping
Upon Julia's Clothes
The Bride-Cake
The Transfiguration
How His Soul Came Ensnared
His Covenant ; or, Protestation to Julia
His Last Request to Julia
Love and Mistresses
To Silvia to Wed
The Frozen Heart
To Perilla
To Perenna
To His Mistresses
The Wounded Heart
No Loathsomeness In Love
To Anthea
Love, What It Is
Presence and Absence
No Spouse But A Sister
The Shoe Tying
The Carcanet
To His Mistress Objecting To Him Neither Toying Or Talking
Upon the Loss of his Mistresses
The Dream
To Love
Love's Play At Push-pin
Upon Cupid
Upon Cupid (II)
To His Mistresses (II)
Of Love. A Sonnet.
To Anthea (II)
The Vision to Electra
Upon Silvia, A Mistress
To Anthea (III)
The Cheat of Cupid; Or, The Ungentle Guest
Upon Love (I)
Kissing Usury
Zeal Required in Love
Love Killed By Lack
To His Mistress
Being Once Blind, His Request to Biancha
To Dianeme
To Anthea Lying in Bed
To Electra
Against Love
The Tear Sent to Her From Staines
To Myrrha, Hard-hearted
The Eye
The Suspicion Upon His Over-much Familiarity With a Gentlewoman
Single Life Most Secure
The Wounded Cupid. Song
To Dews. A Song
The Vision
Love Me Little, Love Me Long
To Electra (II)
His Protestation To Perilla
Love Perfumes All Parts
The Cruel Maid
To Dianeme (II)
His Misery In A Mistress
To A Gentlewoman Objecting To Him His Gray Hairs
A Meditation For His Mistress
The Bleeding Hand ; Or, The Sprig of Eglantine Given to a Maid
To Perenna, a Mistress
Upon Cupid (III)
The Changes to Corinna
His Recantation
The Present ; Or, The Bag of the Bee
On Love(I)
Upon Her Voice
Not to Love
To the Western Wind
To Anthea, Who May Command Him Anything
I Call And I Call
On a Perfumed Lady
Upon Love (II)
To All Young Men That Love
No Fault In Women
To Virgins
The Kiss. A Dialogue.
The Admonition
A Short Hymn to Venus
Upon a Delaying Lady
A Hymn To Venus and Cupid
An Hymn to Juno
Upon Sappho Sweetly Playing and Sweetly Singing
To His Valentine On St. Valentine's Day
Clothes Do But Cheat and Cozen Us
To Dianeme (III)
Upon Electra
Of Love (I)
The Poet Loves a Mistress, But Not to Marry
To Oenone
To Jealousy
Upon Love (III)
To Perenna (III)
To The Ladies
Upon Love (IV)
To Phyllis, To Love and Live With Him
To Electra. (III)
To Dianeme (IV)
Upon Ursley
Upon Love (V)
Upon Irene
Upon Electra's Tears
A Hymn to the Graces
To Silvia (I)
The Apparition of His Mistress Calling Him to Elysium
Love Lightly Pleased
No Luck in Love
Upon Lucia
Of Love (II)
To The Maids, To Walk Abroad
A Kiss
Upon Love (VI)
To His Lovely Mistresses
Upon Love (VII)
To Silvia (II)
To Electra (IV)
What Kind of Mistress He would Have
To Anthea (IV)
To Sappho (I)
No Action Hard to Affection
The Bracelet of Pearl : To Silvia
Up Tails All
Upon Lucia Dabbled in the Dew
Maids' Nays are Nothing
Lovers: How They Come and Part
To Electra. Love Looks for Love
Love Dislikes Nothing
The Eye (II)
A Song
A Conjuration To Electra
To Sappho (II)
To Dianeme (V)
To Anthea (V)
Upon Love (VIII)
A Defence of Women
To Silvia (III)
Upon Love, By Way of Question and Answer
Anthea's Retractation
A Vow to Venus
On Love (II)
Another On Love
The Jimmall Ring or True Love-Knot
His Mistress To Him At His Farewell
How The Wall-Flower Came First
Why Flowers Change Colour
Divination by a Daffodil
The Sadness of Things for Sappho's Sickness
Upon One Lily, Who Married With a Maid Called Rose
Upon a Virgin kissing a Rose
How Primroses Came Green
How Lilies Came White
To Pansies
On Gilly-Flowers Begotten
The Lily in a Crystal
To Violets
To Carnations. A Song.
To the Rose. A Song.
To Primroses Filled With Morning Dew
How Roses Came Red
How Violets Became Blue
To Daffodils 
To Flowers
How Pansies or Heart's-Ease Came First
To Daisies, Not to Shut So Soon
To Blossoms
To a Bed of Tulips
How Marigolds Came Yellow
To Marygolds
The Primrose
The Funeral Rites of the Rose
How Roses Came Red. (II)
The Apron of Flowers
The Shower of Blossoms
On His Book
The Argument of His Book
To His Muse
To His Book
To His Book (III)
When He Would Have His Verses Read
To His Muse (II)
To The Generous Reader
To Critics
To Cedars
To The Detractor
Upon The Same
To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses
His Poetry His Pillar
To His Book (IV)
Lyric for Legacies
To His Book (V)
To Apollo. A Short Hymn.
The Departure of the Good Demon
To My Ill Reader
Lar's Portion and the Poet's Part
To His Book (VI)
Lines have their Linings, and Books their Buckram
The Poet hath Lost his Pipe
To His Book (VII)
To His Muse (III)
To Vulcan
To His Verses
A Hymn To The Muses (I)
To Momus
Upon His Verses
Not Every Day Fit For Verse
A Hymn To The Muses (II)
To His Book (VIII)
To His Book (IX)
Posting To Printing
To His Book (X)
To His Book (XI)
His Prayer for Absolution
To The Sour Reader
Son of Ben
Upon M. Ben. Jonson. Epig.
His Prayer to Ben Jonson
A Bacchanalian Verse
An Ode for Him
Upon Princes and Potentates
The Difference Betwixt Kings and Subjects
To The King, Upon His coming With His Army Into the West
To The King and Queen Upon Their Unhappy Distances
Dangers Wait On Kings
Duty To Tyrants
To The King, To Cure The Evil
A Pastoral Upon The Birth Of Prince Charles
To The King (I)
To The Queen
The Poet's Good Wishes for the Most Hopeful and Handsome Prince, The Duke of York
Prevision or Provision
The Power In The People
A Pastoral Sung to the King
Policy in Princes
Shame No Statist
Ill Government
The Bad Season Makes the Poet Sad
Distance Betters Dignities
To the King (II)
True Safety
To Prince Charles Upon His Coming to Exeter
Princes and Favourites
Examples ; or, Like Prince, Like People
Blame the Reward of Princes
Clemency in Kings
Upon Kings
Poems Upon Several Personages of Honour
To The Earl of Westmoreland
To the Patron of Poets, M. End. Porter
His Parting From Mrs. Dorothy Kennedy
Upon Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, Under the Name of Amarillis
Upon The Much-lamented Mr. J. Warr
An Epithalamy to Sir Thomas Southwell And His Lady
To Jos., Lord Bishop of Exeter
Upon A Black Twist Rounding The Arm Of The Countess Of Carlisle
An Ode to Master Endymion Porter, Upon His Brother's Death
A Dirge Upon the Death of the Right Valiant Lord, Bernard Stuart
To Mistress Katharine Bradshaw, The Lovely, That Crowned Him With Laurel
To the High and Noble Prince George, Duke, Marquis, and Earl of Buckingham
The Hock-Cart or Harvest Home. To The Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland.
Mrs. Eliz. Wheeler, Under The Name of The Lost Shepherdess
A Nuptial Song or Epithalamy on Sir Clipseby Crew and His Lady
To The Most Accomplished Gentleman, Master Edward Norgate
His Age, Dedicated to His Peculiar Friend, M. John Wickes
To The Lady Mary Villars, Governess to The Princess Henrietta
The Meadow-Verse ; Or, Anniversary to Mistress Bridget Lowman
To The Right Honourable Philip, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery
To the Most Learned, Wise, and Arch-Antiquary, M. John Selden
To The Most Fair and Lovely Mistress Anne Soame, Now Lady Abdie
A Panegyric to Sir Lewis Pemberton
To His Peculiar Friend, Sir Edward Fish, Knight Baronet
A Hymn to Sir Clipseby Crew
To His Peculiar Friend, Mr. Thomas Shapcott, Lawyer
To the Right Gracious Prince, Lodowick, Duke of Richmond and Lennox
To the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmoreland
To His Worthy Friend, M. Tho. Falconbirge
To Sir Clipseby Crew
An Eclogue or Pastoral Between Endymion Porter and Lycidas Herrick
To Mistress Dorothy Parsons
To the Right Honourable Edward, Earl of Dorset
To the Lady Crewe, Upon the Death of Her Child
To Mistress Mary Willand
Upon Mistress Susanna Southwell, Her Cheeks
Upon Her Eyes [S. Southwell]
Upon Her Feet [S. Southwell]
To His Honoured Friend, Sir John Mince
An Ode to Sir Clipseby Crew
To his Honoured Friend, M. John Weare, Councillor
A Nuptial Verse to Mistress Elizabeth Lee, now Lady Tracy
To Sir Clibseby Crew (II)
The Country Life, To The Honoured M. End. Porter
To his Worthy Friend, M. Arthur Bartly
A Paranaeticall, or Advisive Verse, To His Friend, M. John Wicks
To M. Denham on His Prospective Poem
To Sir John Berkley, Governor of Exeter
To Doctor Alabaster
To His Honoured and Most Ingenious Friend Mr. Charles Cotton
To the Handsome Mistress Grace Potter
To His Peculiar Friend, M. Jo. Wicks
A Dialogue Between Himself and Mistress Eliza Wheeler
An Epitaph Upon a Sober Matron
An Epitaph Upon a Child
Upon a Wife that Died Mad with Jealousy
Upon a Child. An Epitaph.
Upon a Maid that Died the Day She Was Married
Upon A Child That Died
Upon a Lady That Died in Child-Bed, And Left A Daughter Behind Her
An Epitaph Upon a Virgin
Upon A Maid
Upon a Child
Upon an Old Man : A Residentiary
Upon Family
Upon His Sister-In-Law, Mistress Elizabeth Herrick
To The Reverend Shade of His Religious Father
A Country-Life: To His Brother, Mr. Tho. Herrick
To His Dying Brother, Master William Herrick
To His Honoured Kinsman, Sir William Soame. Epig.
To The Most Fair and Lovely Mistress Anne Soame, Now Lady Abdie
Upon His Kinswoman, Mistress Elizabeth Herrick
To His Nephew, To Be Prosperous In His Art of Painting
To His Kinsman, Sir. Thos. Soame
To His Honoured Kinsman, Sir Richard Stone
To His Kinswoman, Mrs. Penelope Wheeler
Another Upon Her. [Mrs. Penelope Wheeler]
To His Kinswoman, Mistress Susanna Herrick
To His Worthy Kinsman, Mr. Stephen Soame
Upon His Kinswoman, Mistress Bridget Herrick
To His Brother-In-Law, Master John Wingfield
Upon His Kinswoman, Mrs. M. S.
To My Dearest Sister, M. Mercy Herrick
To His Sister-In-Law, M. Susanna Herrick
To His Brother, Nicholas Herrick
On Himself
On Himself
On Himself (II)
On Himself (III)
Upon Himself
Upon Himself (II)
On Himself (IV)
On Himself (V)
Upon Himself (III)
Upon Himself (IV)
Upon Himself (VI)
Upon Himself (VII)
Upon Himself (VIII)
On Himself (VI)
On Himself (VII)
On Himself (VIII)
On Himself (IX)
On Himself (X)
On Himself (XI)
On Himself (XII)
On Himself (XIII)
On Himself (XIV)
On Mortality and Death
(See also under "Carpe Diem" and several "On Himself")
All Things Decay and Die
His Poetry His Pillar
The Plaudit, or End of Life
To the Yew and Cypress to Grace His Funeral
His Embalming to Julia
The Dream (II)
Man's Dying-place Uncertain
Upon His Departure Hence
His Winding-Sheet
To His Tomb-Maker
Great Spirits Supervive
None Free from Fault
Upon Himself Being Buried
The Watch
Upon the Loss of his Finger
Life is the Body's Light
His Own Epitaph
His Charge to Julia at his Death
Never Too Late to Die
The Last Stroke Strike Sure
Tears and Laughter
The Peter-penny
Death Ends All Woe
Things Mortal Still Mutable
His Wish to God
His Meditation Upon Death
Carpe Diem
To Silvia to Wed
A Lyric To Mirth
On Himself (III)
Corinna's Going A-Maying
To Live Merrily and to Trust to Good Verses
To The Virgins, to Make Much of Time
Best To Be Merry
The Changes to Corinna
Upon a Delaying Lady
To Live Freely
To Enjoy The Time
To a Bed of Tulips
To Electra (III)
An End Decreed
To Youth
To Be Merry
On Fortune and Fate
The Parcæ ; or, Three Dainty Destinies
Safety to Look to Oneself
Safety on the Shore
The Coming of Good Luck
Event of Things Not In Our Power
Lots To Be Liked
Few Fortunate
Loss From The Least
Fortune Favours
Change Common to All
Good Luck Not Lasting
To Fortune
Adversity (II)
Mean Things Overcome Mighty
No Pains, No Gains
Felicity Knows No Fence
His Loss
Littleness No Cause of Leanness
On Poverty and Riches
No Bashfulness in Begging
Two Things Odious
Expenses Exhaust
Money Gets the Mastery
Love Killed By Lack
No Want Where There Is Little
Supreme Fortune Falls Soonest
Reverence to Riches
Gold Before Goodness
Littleness No Cause of Leanness
Nothing Free-Cost
Discord Not Disadvantageous
Large Bounds Do But Bury Us
Pains Without Profit
Poverty and Riches
Again [Poverty and Riches]
The Covetous Still Captives
Biting of Beggars
First Work, and Then Wages
Poverty the Greatest Pack
Money Makes The Mirth
No Pains, No Gains
Courage Cooled
His Loss
No Man Without Money
Folklore, Faerie, and Pagan Deities
The Fairy Temple ; or, Oberon's Chapel
To His Household Gods
Oberon's Feast
Hymn to Bacchus
A Short Hymn to Lar
Another to Neptune
To Lar
A Vow to Mars
A Canticle to Apollo
To Bacchus, A Canticle
Oberon's Palace
To the Water Nymphs Drinking at the Fountain
The Fairies
The Beggar to Mab, the Fairie Queen
The Hag
A Hymn to the Lares
To The Genius of His House
The Spell
A Hymn to Bacchus (II)
The Wassail
Ceremonies for Christmas
Christmas-Eve, Another Ceremony
Another to the Maids
Ceremonies For Candlemas Eve
The Ceremonies for Candlemas Day
Upon Candlemas
Ceremony Upon Candlemas Eve
Twelfth-Night : or, King and Queen
A New Year's Gift Sent to Sir Simon Steward
An Ode of the Birth of our Saviour
The New-year's Gift
A Christmas Carol Sung to the King in the Presence at Whitehall
The Star-Song : A Carol to the King Sung at White-Hall
Christ's Birth
Noble Numbers
1. His Confession
2. His Prayer for Absolution
3. To Find God
33. An Ode of the Birth of our Saviour
41. His Litany to the Holy Spirit
47. A Thanksgiving to God, for his House
60. The New-Year's Gift
72. To his Conscience
77. To his Sweet Saviour
95. Another Grace for a Child
96. A Christmas Carol Sung to the King in the Presence at Whitehall
102. The Star-Song : A Carol to the King Sung at White-Hall
114. To God
115. His Wish to God
125. To His Saviour. The New Year's Gift
182. Christ's Birth
228. To Keep a True Lent
229. No Time in Eternity
230. His Meditation Upon Death
268. "This crosstree here"
A Song to the Maskers
Soft Music
His Answer to a Question
Sorrows Succeed
To Robin Redbreast
Discontents in Devon
To His Paternal Country
Ambition (I)
The Scare-fire
Cheerfulness in Charity; or, The Sweet Sacrifice
Sweetness in Sacrifice
Steam in Sacrifice
The Succession of the Four Sweet Months
No Shipwreck of Virtue. To a Friend
To Dean Bourn, A Rude River in Devon
To Laurels
His Cavalier
The Bag of the Bee
Barley-break; Or, Last in Hell
The Definition of Beauty
To The Painter, To Draw Him A Picture
Leander's Obsequies
Hope Heartens
Four Things Make Us Happy Here
The Hour-glass
His Farewell to Sack
The Curse. A Song
Some Comfort in Calamity
Upon A Young Mother Of Many Children
His Wish
Virtue Is Sensible of Suffering
To Music
A Dialogue Betwixt Horace and Lydia
The Olive Branch
To Cherry-Blossoms
Upon Some Women
The Welcome to Sack
Impossibilities to His Friend
Fair Days : Or, Dawns Deceitful
Lips Tongueless
To His Friend, On the Untunable Times
To the Lark
The Bubble. A Song.
To the Most Virtuous Mistress Pot, Who Many Times Entertained Him
To Music, To Becalm His Fever
Upon a Gentlewoman with a Sweet Voice
Upon a Physician
Upon a Painted Gentlewoman
To Music, to Becalm a Sweet-Sick Youth
To Music (II)
Upon the Death of His Sparrow. An Elegy.
Comfort to a Lady Upon the Death of Her Husband
To The Willow-Tree
Obedience in Subjects
More Potent, Less Peccant
To Meadows
To the Nightingale and Robin Redbreast
Devotion Makes The Deity
The Eyes
Merits Make The Man
The Bellman
Upon Prudence Baldwin: Her Sickness.
Bribes And Gifts Get All
The End
Content, Not Cates
The Entertainment ; Or, Porch-Verse....
The Good-Night or Blessing
Matins ; Or, Morning Prayer
The Christian Militant
To A Gentlewoman On Just Dealing
The Hand And Tongue
Nothing New
The Rainbow
The Parting Verse, The Feast There Ended
Upon Judith. Epig.
Pray and Prosper
His Lachrymae ; Or, Mirth Turned to Mourning
To His Maid, Prew
A Just Man
Upon a Hoarse Singer
Upon Man
The Mad Maid's Song
To Springs And Fountains
To Sycamores
The Willow Garland
Felicity Quick of Flight
The Crowd and Company
To The Little Spinners
His Weakness In Woes
Fame Makes Us Forward
To Groves
His Alms
The Plunder
The Parting Verse or Charge to His Supposed Wife When He Travelled
The Old Wives' Prayer
Upon A Lady Fair But Fruitless
How Springs Came First
To Rosemary and Bays
Upon a Scar in a Virgin's Face
Upon His Eyesight Failing Him
Reward and Punishments
A Caution
Upon a Fly
How He Would Drink His Wine
The Broken Crystal
Hope Well and Have Well : or, Fair after Foul Weather
Cross and Pile
Change Gives Content
Upon His Grey Hairs
Pride Allowable in Poets
Meat Without Mirth
Pity to the Prostrate
His Content In The Country
The Credit of the Conqueror
Upon a Comely and Curious Maid
True Friendship
The Tithe. To the Bride
A Frolic
In the Dark None Dainty
A Charm, Or An Allay For Love
The Headache
Upon the Troublesome Times
Cruelty Base in Commanders
Little and Loud
Like Pattern, Like People
No Despite to the Dead
The Cobler's Catch
Connubii Flores, or the Well-wishes at Weddings
Painting Sometimes Permitted
Farewell Frost, Or Welcome The Spring
Upon Tears
The Primitiæ to Parents
Upon Lucy. Epig.
Long-looked-for Comes at Last
Ambition (II)
The Rosemary Branch
Upon Crab. Epig.
Once Seen and No More
Denial in Women No Disheartening to Men
To Dianeme. A Ceremony in Gloucester
On Poet Prat. Epig.
Upon Tuck. Epig.
The May-pole
Men Mind No State in Sickness
Glory (II)
His Return to London
A Bucolic, or Discourse of Neatherds
A Prognostic
Proof to No Purpose
By Use Comes Easiness
His Grange, Or Private Wealth
Good Precepts or Counsel
Charon and Philomel ; A Dialogue Sung
A Ternary of Littles, Upon a Pipkin of Jelly Sent to a Lady
The Smell of the Sacrifice
To Women, to Hide Their Teeth if They Be Rotten or Rusty
In Praise of Women
Regression Spoils Resolution
Our Own Sins Unseen
Virtue Best United
The Wake
His Wish to Privacy
A Good Husband
Upon Puss and her 'prentice. Epig.
The Invitation
The Cloud
The Amber Bead
Satisfaction For Sufferings
Want (II)
The Present Time Best Pleaseth
A Mean In Our Means
A Bucolic Betwixt Two: Lacon and Thyrsis
Peace Not Permanent
Truth and Error
Studies To Be Supported
Wit Punished, Prospers Most
His Desire
On Love
Another On Love
Truth and Falsehood
To His Girls
The Voice and Viol
The Pillar of Fame
Upon Jone and Jane
Upon Scobble
Upon Parson Beanes
Comfort to a Youth that had lost his Love
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on August 20, 1996. Last updated on June 2, 2006.