

Introduction - Harold V. Routh
Complete - Renascence Editions
Complete - University of Adelaide
Sermones Fideles (1638) - The Philological Museum
The Elements of the Common Law of England (1597)
(aka Maxims of the Law)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Constitution Society
A Declaration of the Practises & Treasons Attempted and
Committed by Robert, late Earl of Essex and his Complices (1601)
Complete - Google Books
Sir Francis Bacon His Apology, in Certain Imputations
Concerning the Late Earl of Essex (1604)
Complete - Paul DuPuy
Certain Considerations Touching the Better Pacification
and Edification of the Church of England (1604)
Complete - Google Books
Valerius Terminus of the Interpretation of Nature (wr.1604)
Complete - University of Adelaide
Complete - Google Books
The Proficience and Advancement of Learning (1605)
Complete - Renascence Editions
Complete - University of Adelaide
[Excerpt from Book 1] - John F. Tinkler
[Excerpt from Bk 2, ch 1, on Poesy] - Shake-n-Bacon
[Excerpt from Bk 2, ch 13, on History, Poesy, Philosophy] - Shake-n-Bacon
[Excerpt from Bk 6, ch 1, on Cyphers] - Shake-n-Bacon
[Excerpt from Bk 6, ch 4, on Transmission] - Shake-n-Bacon
[Excerpt on Empirism] - Herman Asarnow
[Excerpt on Progress] - Herman Asarnow
De sapientia veterum liber (1609)
Complete - Google Books
The Charge of Sir Francis Bacon, Knight,
the King's Attorney-General, Touching Duels (1614)
Complete - Google Books
The Wisdom of the Ancients (1619)
Complete - Google Books
[Preface] - Paul DuPuy
[Orpheus; or, Philosophy] - Paul DuPuy
Novum Organum (1620)
Complete English Text - Constitution Society
Complete Latin Text - GMU
[Preface to Novum Organum] - Shake-n-Bacon
[Book I, Aphorisms 1-68] - Shake-n-Bacon
The History of the Reign of King Henry the Seventh (1622)
Complete - Google Books
Historia Regni
Henrici Septimi (1638) - The Philological Museum
Apophthegms, New and Old (1625)
Complete - Google Books
The Translation of Certain Psalms (1625)
Complete - Google Books
The New Atlantis (wr.1624,pub. 1626)
Complete - University of Adelaide
Complete - Constitution Society
Sylva Sylvarum (1627)
Complete - Google Books
[Excerpt: Sulphur and Mercury] - The Alchemy Web Site
[Excerpt: The Making of Gold] - The Alchemy Web Site
Scripta in naturali et universali philosophia (pub. 1653)
Complete - Google Books
Works Attributed to Bacon:
Gesta Grayorum (1599) - Shake-n-Bacon
Letter of Francis Bacon from the Tower of
London to King James I - Luminarium
The Great Instauration (1620) -
Constitution Society
Preparative toward a Natural and Experimental History (1620) - Constitution Soc.
The Life of Man
Help Lord and Sing a New Song
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Created by Anniina Jokinen
on June 19, 1996. Last updated on November 1, 2009.