Selected Works
Sir Walter Ralegh
|  |
In Commendation of The Steel Glass
The Excuse
An Epitaph Upon The Right Honourable Sir Philip Sidney
A Vision Upon This Conceit of The Fairy Queen.
Another of the Same
The Nymph's Reply to the Shepherd
Farewell to the Court [Like truthless dreams]
Sir Walter Ralegh to his Son [The Wood, the Weed, the Wag]
On the Cards and Dice
The Silent Lover
The Lie
To the Translator of Lucan
On the Life of Man [What is our life? a play of passion]
The Passionate Man's Pilgrimage
As You Came from the Holy Land
Even Such Is Time
Praised be Diana's Fair and Harmless Light
[Like to a hermit]
A description of love [Now what is love?]
[Nature, that washed her hands in milk]
The Ocean to Cynthia (before 1603)

Introduction to the poem - Anniina Jokinen
The 21st Book - Google Books
Excerpt: "Stay, my thoughts"
Of Questionable Attribution
Epitaph on the Earl of Leicester
A Farewell to the Vanities of the World
The Last Fight of the Revenge (1591)

Complete - Google Books
The Discovery of Guiana (1595)

Complete - Google Books
Complete - Modern History Sourcebook
A Discourse Touching a War with Spain (1603)

Complete - Google Books
The History of the World (1614)

[Book I] - Google Books
[Book II. Ch. 1-12] - Google Books
[Book II. Ch. 13.5-28.] - Google Books
[Books III & IV.] - Google Books
[Book V. Ch. 1-6.] - Google Books
The Prerogative of Parliaments (1615)

Complete - Google Books
Sir Walter Ralegh's Instructions to his Son
and to Posterity (pub. 1632)

Complete - Google Books
A Discourse of the Original and Fundamental
Cause of Natural War (1615? pub. 1650)

Complete - Google Books
A Discourse of the Invention of Ships, Anchors,
Compass, &c. (1615? pub. 1650)

Complete - Google Books
Observations Concerning the Royal Navy
and Sea-service ( <1612; pub. 1650)

Complete - Google Books
Sir Walter Ralegh's Apology for his
Voyage to Guiana (1617? pub. 1650)

Complete - Google Books
The Sceptic (pub. 1651)

Complete - Google Books
Causes of the Magnificency and Opulence
of Cities (pub. 1651)

Complete - Google Books
On the Seat of Government (pub. 1651)

Complete - Google Books
Observations Touching Trade & Commerce, &c.
(pub. 1653)

Complete - Google Books
The Reign of King William the I,
entitled The Conqueror (1617? pub. 1693)

Complete - Google Books
A Treatise of the Soul (pub. 1829)

Complete - Google Books
The Interest of England with Regard
to Foreign Alliances
explained in two discourses (1611? pub. 1750)

1. Concerning a match between the Lady Elizabeth
and the Prince of Piedmont - GB
2. Touching a marriage between Prince Henry of England
and a daughter of Savoy - GB
Works Spuriously Attributed to Ralegh

The Prince, or Maxims of State (pub. 1642) - GB
The Cabinet-council (pub. 1658) - GB
Ralegh's Farewell Letter to his Wife Before Dying
A Selection of Ralegh's Letters - Google Books
Another Selection of Ralegh's Letters - GB
Ralegh poems translated into Russian - E&Y Feldman
Some Ralegh poems translated into French - B. Hoepffner
 | to Sir Walter Ralegh |
Site copyright ©1996-2010 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Created by Anniina Jokinen on June 13, 1996. Last updated on June 8, 2010.
The Tudors
King Henry VII
Elizabeth of York
King Henry VIII
Queen Catherine of Aragon
Queen Anne Boleyn
Queen Jane Seymour
Queen Anne of Cleves
Queen Catherine Howard
Queen Katherine Parr
King Edward VI
Lady Jane Grey
Queen Mary I
Queen Elizabeth I
Renaissance English Writers
Bishop John Fisher
William Tyndale
Sir Thomas More
John Heywood
Thomas Sackville
John Bale
Nicholas Udall
John Skelton
Sir Thomas Wyatt
Henry Howard
Hugh Latimer
Thomas Cranmer
Roger Ascham
Sir Thomas Hoby
John Foxe
George Gascoigne
John Lyly
Thomas Nashe
Sir Philip Sidney
Edmund Spenser
Richard Hooker
Robert Southwell
Robert Greene
George Peele
Thomas Kyd
Edward de Vere
Christopher Marlowe
Anthony Munday
Sir Walter Ralegh
Thomas Hariot
Thomas Campion
Mary Sidney Herbert
Sir John Davies
Samuel Daniel
Michael Drayton
Fulke Greville
Emilia Lanyer
William Shakespeare
Persons of Interest
Visit Encyclopedia
Historical Events
Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520
Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536
The Babington Plot, 1586
The Spanish Armada, 1588
Elizabethan Theatre
See section
English Renaissance Drama
Images of London:
London in the time of Henry VII. MS. Roy. 16 F. ii.
London, 1510, the earliest view in print
Map of England from Saxton's Descriptio Angliae, 1579
Location Map of Elizabethan London
Plan of the Bankside, Southwark, in Shakespeare's time
Detail of Norden's Map of the Bankside, 1593
Bull and Bear Baiting Rings from the Agas Map (1569-1590, pub. 1631)
Sketch of the Swan Theatre, c. 1596
Westminster in the Seventeenth Century, by Hollar
Visscher's Panoramic View of London, 1616. COLOR