An Excerpt from
 Michael Drayton's

Excerpt from 'Idea The Shepheards Garland'

Eclogue 2.

TH E Gods delight, the heavens hie spectacle,
Earths greatest glory, worlds rarest miracle.
Fortunes fayr'st missresse, vertues surest guide,
Loves Governesse, and natures chiefest pride.
Delights owne darling, honours cheefe defence,
Chastities choyce, and wisdomes quintessence.
Conceipts sole Riches, thoughts only treasure,
Desires true hope, Joyes sweetest pleasure.
Mercies due merite, valeurs just reward,
Times fayrest fruite, fames strongest guarde.
rea she alone, next that etern all he
The expresse Image of eternitie.

Drayton, Michael. The Works of Michael Drayton. Volume I.
J. William Hebel, ed. Oxford: Shakespeare Head Press, 1931. 52.

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Created by Anniina Jokinen on November 7, 1998.