Rosalynde. Euphues golden legacie.Thomas Lodge
Note: this Renascence Editions
was transcribed by Risa Bear, January
from The Complete Works of Thomas Lodge (1883), published by
Hunterian Club. Their source text was the only known copy of the first
edition of 1590, which had been damaged, and the text of signature "R"
supplied from the third edition. Any errors that have crept into the
transcription are the fault of the present publisher.
The text is in the
public domain. Content unique to this presentation is
copyright ©
2001 The University of Oregon. For nonprofit and educational
uses only. This edition is dedicated to Robin Repper, a true Rosalynde in spirit. Euphues golden le- gacie: found after his death in his Cell at Si- lexedra. Bequeathed to Philautus sonnes noursed vp with their father in Eng- land. Fetcht
the Canaries. L O N D O N, nourable and his most esteemed Lord the Lord of Hunsdon, Lord Chamberlaine of her Maiesties houshold, and Gouernor of her Towne of Barwicke: T.L.G. wisheth increase of all honourable ver- tues. ![]() ![]() Resting thus in hope of your Lordships courtesie, in deyning the Patronage of my worke, I cease: wishing you as many honourable fortunes as your Lordship can desire, or I imagine. Your
Yours T.L.
gaue to his Sonnes.
H my Sonnes, you see that Fate hath set a period of my yeares, and Destinies haue determined the finall ende of my daies: the Palme tree waxeth away ward, for he stoopeth in his height, and my plumes are full of sicke feathers touched with age. I must to my graue that dischargeth all cares, and leaue you to the world that encreaseth many sorowes: my siluer haires conteineth great experience, and in the number of my yeares are pend downe the subtilties of Fortune. Therefore as I leaue you some fading pelfe to counterchecke pouertie, so I will bequeath you infallible precepts that shall leade you vnto vertue. First therefore vnto thee SALADYNE the eldest, and therefore the chief piller of my house, wherein should be ingrauen as well the excellence of thy fathers qualities, as the essentiall forme of his proportion, to thee I giue foureteene ploughlands, with all my Mannor houses and richest plate. Next vnto FERNANDYNE I bequeath twelue ploughlands. But vnto ROSADER the yongest I giue my Horse, My Armour and my Launce, with sixteene ploughlands: for if the inward thoughts be discouered by outward shadowes, ROSADER will exceed you all in bountie and honour. Thus (my Sonnes) haue I parted in your portions the substance of my wealth, wherein if you bee as prodigall to spend, as I haue been carefull to get, your friends will grieue to see you more wastfull than I was bountifull, and your foes smile that my fall did begin in your excesse. Let mine honour be the glasse of your actions, and the fame of my vertues the Loadstarre to direct the course of your pilgrimage. Ayme your deedes by my honorable endeuours, and shewe your selues siens worthie of so florishing a tree: least as the birds HALCYONES which exceede in whitenesse, I hatch yong ones that surpasse in blacknesse. Climbe not my sonnes; aspiring pride is a vapour that ascendeth hie, but soone turneth to a smoake: they which stare at the Starres, stumble vppon stones; and such as gaze at the Sunne (vnlesse they bee Eagle eyed) fall blinde. Soare not with the Hobbie, least you fall with the Larke; nor attempt not with PHAETON, least you drowne with ICARUS. Fortune when she wils you to flie, tempers your plumes with waxe, and therefore either sit still and make no wing, or els beware the Sunne, and holde DEDALUS axiome authenticall (Medium tenere tutissimum). Low shrubbes haue deepe rootes, and poore Cottages great patience. Fortune lookes euer vpward, and enuie aspireth to nestle with dignitie. Take heede my sonnes, the meane is sweetest melodie; where strings high stretcht, either soone cracke, or quicklie growe out of tune. Let your Countries care be your hearts content, and thinke that you are not borne for your selues, but to leuell your thoughts to be loyall to your Prince, careful for the Common weale, and faithfull to your friends; so shall France say, these men are as excellent in vertues, as they be exquisite in features. Oh my sonnes, a friend is a precious Iewell, within whose bosome you may vnloade your sorowes and vnfolde your secretes, and hee either will releeue with counsaile, or perswade with reason: but take heede in the choyce, the outward shew makes not the inward man, nor are the dimples in the face the Calenders of trueth. When the Liquorice leafe looketh most drie, then it is most wet. When the shoares of Lepanthus are most quiet, then they forepoint a storme. The Baaran leafe the more faire it lookes, the more infectious it is, and in the sweetest words is oft hid the most trecherie. Therefore my sonnes, choose a friend as the HIPERBOREI do the mettals, seuer them from the ore with fire, & let them not bide the stamp before they be currant; so trie and then trust, let time be touchstone of friendship, & then friends faithfull lay them vp for Iewells. Be valiant my sonnes, for cowardise is the enemie to honour; but not too rash, for that is an extreame. Fortitude is the meane, and that is limitted within bonds, and prescribed with circumstance. But aboue all, and with that he fetch a deepe sigh, beware of Loue, for it is farre more perilous than pleasant, and yet I tell you it allureth as ill as the SYRENS. Oh my sonnes, fancie is a fickle thing, and beauties paintings are trickt vp with times colours, which being set to drie in the Sunne, perish with the same. VENUS is a wanton, & though her lawes pretend libertie, yet there is nothing but losse and glistering miserie. CUPIDS wings are plumed with the feathers of vanitie, and his arrowes where the pearce, inforce nothing but deadly desires: a womans eye as it is precious to behold, so it is preiudiciall to gaze vpon; for as it affoordeth delight, so it snares vnto death. Trust not their fawning fauours, for their loues are like the breath of a man vpon steele, which no sooner lighteth on but it leapeth of, and their passions are as momentarie as the colours of a Polipe, which changeth at the sight of euerie obiect. My breath waxeth short and mine eyes dimme, the houre is come and I must away: therefore let this suffice, women are wantons, and yet men cannot want one: and therefore if you loue, choose here that hath her eyes of Adamant, that will turne only to one point; her heart of a Diamond, that will receiue but one forme; her tongue of a Sethin leafe, that neuer wagges but with a Southeast winde: and yet my sonnes, if she haue all these qualities, to be chast, obedient, and silent; yet for that she is a woman, shalt thou finde in her sufficient vanities to countervaile her vertues. Oh now my sonnes, euen now take these my last words as my latest Legacie, for my thrid is sponne, and my foote is in the graue: keepe my precepts as memorialls of your fathers counsailes, and let them bee lodged in the secrete of your hearts; for wisedome is better than wealth, and a golden sentence worth a world of treasure. In my fall see & marke my sonnes the follie of man, that being dust climbeth with BIARES to reach at the Heauens, and readie euerie minute to dye, yet hopeth for an age of pleasures. Oh mans life is like lightning that is but a flash, and the longest date of his yeares but as a bauens blaze. Seeing then man is so mortall, bee carefull that thy life bee vertuous, that thy death may be full of admirable honours; so shalt thou challenge fame to bee thy fautor, and put obliuion to exile with thine honorable actions. But my Sonnes, least you should forget your fathers axiomes, take this scroule, wherein reade what your father dying, wils you to execute liuing. At this hee shrunke downe in his bed and gaue vp the ghost. IOHN of Bourdeaux being thus dead, was greatlie lamented of his Sonnes and bewayled of his friends, especiallie of his fellowe Knights of Malta, who attended on his Funeralls, which were performed with great solemnitie. His Obsequies done, SALADYNE caused next his Epitaph the contents of the scroule to be pourtraied out, which were to this effect. of Bourdeaux gaue to his Sonnes.
Y Sonnes, behold what portion I doo giue: I leaue you goods, but they are quicklie lost; I leaue aduice, to schoole you how to liue; I leaue you wit, but wonne with little cost: But keepe it well: for counsaile still is one, When Father, friends, and worldlie goods are gone. In choice of
thrift let honour be thy
gaine, In Choice of wife,
the modest chast, In
choice of friends, beware of light beliefe, Learne of the Ant
in sommer to prouide;
ALADYNE, how art thou disquieted in thy thoughts, & perplexed with a world of restlesse passions, hauing thy minde troubled with the tenour of thy Fathers testament, and thy heart fiered with the hope of present preferment? by the one, thou art counsaild to content thee with thy fortunes; by the other, perswaded to aspire to higher wealth. Riches (SALADYNE) is a great royalty, & there is no sweeter phisick tha[n] store. AUICEN like a foole forgot in his Aphorismes to say, that golde was the most precious restoratiue, and that treasure was the most excellent medecine of the minde. Oh SALADYNE, what were thy Fathers precepts breathed into the winde? hast thou so soone forgotte[n] his principles? did he not warne thee from coueting without honor, and climing without vertue? did hee not forbid thee to aime at any action that should not be honourable? and what will bee more preiudiciall to thy credit, than the careless ruine of thy brothers welfare? why shouldst not thou bee the piller of thy brothers prosperitie; and wilt thou become the subuersion of their fortunes? is there any sweeter thing than concord, or a more precious Iewel then amity? are you not sons of one Father, siens of one tree, birds of one nest? and wilt thou become so vnnaturall as to rob them, whome thou shouldst relieue? No SALADYNE, intreate them with fauours, and intertaine them with loue; so shalt thou haue thy conscience cleare and thy renowne excellent. Tush, what words are these base foole; farre vnfit (if thou be wise) for thy humour. What though thy Father at his death talked of many friuolous matters, as one that doated for age, and raued in his sicknesse: shal his words be axioms, and his talke be so authenticall, that thou wilt (to obserue them) preiudice thy selfe? No no SALADYNE, sick mens wills that are parole, and haue neither hand nor seale, are like the lawes of a Citie written in dust; which are broken with the blast of euerie winde. What man thy Father is dead, and hee can neither helpe thy fortunes, nor measure thy actions: therefore burie his words with his carcasse, and bee wise for thy selfe. What, tis not so olde as true:
suppresse his wittes
with a base estate, and though hee be a
Gentleman by nature yet forme him a new, and make him a peasant by
nourture: so shalt thou keepe him as a slaue, and raign thy selfe sole
Lord ouer al thy Fathers possessions. As for FERNANDYNE thy middle
brother he is a scholer, and hath no minde
but on ARISTOTLE, let him reade on GALEN while thou riflest with gold,
and pore on his booke til thou
doost purchase lands: wit is great wealth, if hee haue learning it is
enough; and so let all rest. Two
Sunnes at once from one faire heauen there shinde, Two
mounts faire marble white, downe-soft and daintie, In
lines confusde my lucklesse harme appeereth;
This sonnet he sent to
ROSALYND, which when she read, she blusht, but with
a sweete content in that she perceaued loue had alotted her so amorous
seruant. Leauing her to her new intertayned fancies, againe to ROSADER;
who triumphing in the glory of this conquest,
accompanied with a troupe of young Gentlemen, that were desirous to be
familiars, went home to his brother SALADYNES, who
was walking before the gates, to heare what successe his brother
should haue, assuring him self of his death, and
deuising how wt dissimuled sorrow, to celebrate his
as he was in this thought, hee cast vp his eye, & sawe where
returned with the garlande on his heade, as hauing
won the prize, accompanied with a crew of boone companions; greeued at
this, hee stepped in and shut the gate. ROSADER
seeing this, and not looking for such vnkinde intertaynement, blusht at
the disgrace, and yet smothering his griefe with a smile, he turned to
Gentlemen, and desired them to hold his brother excused, for hee did
this vpon any malicious intent or niggardize, but being brought vp in
countrie, he absented him selfe, as not finding his nature fit for such
youthfull companie. Thus hee sought to shadow abuses proffered him by
brother, but in vayne, for he could by no meanes be suffered to enter:
whereupon hee ran his foote against the doore, and brake it open;
his sworde and entring bouldly into the Hall, where hee founde none
all were fled) but one ADAM SPENCER an English man, who had been an
olde and trustie seruant
to Sir IOHN of Bourdeaux: he for the loue he
bare to his deceased Maister, fauoured the part of ROSADER, and gaue
him and his such intertaynement as he coulde.
ROSADER gaue him thankes, and looking about, seeing
the hall empty, saide, Gentlemen, you are welcome, frolicke and be
you shall be sure to haue Wine enough, whatsoeuer your fare be, I tell
CAUALIERS my brother hath in his house, fiue tunnes
of wine, and as long as that lasteth, I beshrewe him that spares his
liquor. With that he burst open the butterie dore, and with the help of
ADAM SPENCER, couered the
Tables, and set downe whatsoeuer he could finde in the house, but what
they wanted in meate, ROSADER supplied with drinke,
yet had they royall cheere, and withall such a hartie welcome, as would
haue made the coursest meates, seeme delicates. After they had feasted
frolickt it twise or thrise with an vpsey freeze, they all took their
leaues of ROSADER and departed. Assoone as they were
gone ROSADER growing impatient of the abuse, drewe
his sworde, and swore to be reuenged on the discurteous SALADYNE: yet
by the meanes of ADAM SPENCER, who sought to continue friendship and
betwixt the brethren, and through the flattering submission of
they were once agayne reconciled, & put vp all
fore passed iniuries, with a peaceable agreement, liuing together for a
good space in such brotherly loue, as did not onely reioyce the
but made all the Gentlemen and bordring neighbours glad of such
concord. SALADYNE hiding fire in the straw, and
concealing a poysoned hate in a peaceable countenance, yet deferring
intent of his wrath till fitter opportunintie, he shewed him selfe a
fauorer of his brothers vertuous endeuours: where leauing them in this
happie league, let vs returne to ROSALYND.
Nfortunate ROSALYND, whose misfortunes are more than thy yeeres, and whose passions are greater than thy patience. The blossomes of thy youth, are mixt with the frostes of enuie, and the hope of thy ensuing frutes, perish in the bud. Thy father is by TORISMOND banisht from the crowne, & thou the vnhappie daughter of a King detained captiue, liuing as disquieted in thy thoughts, as thy father disconte[n]ted in his exile. Ah ROSALYND what cares wait vpo[n] a crown, what griefes are incident to dignitie? what sorrowes haunt royall Pallaces? The greatest seas haue the sorest stormes, the highest birth subiect to the most base, and of al trees the Cedars soonest shake with the winde: small Currents are euer calme, lowe valleyes not scorcht in any lightnings, nor base men tyed to anye balefull preiudice. Fortune flies, & if she touch pouertie, it is with her heele, rather disdayning their want with a frowne, than enuying their wealth with disparagement. Oh ROSALYND, hadst thou been borne lowe, thou hadst not fallen so high; and yet being great of boud, thine honour is more, if thou brookest misfortune with patience. Suppose I contrary fortune with content, yet Fates vnwilling to haue me any way happie, haue forced loue to set my thoughts on fire with fancie. Loue ROSALYND? becommeth it women in distresse to thinke of loue? Tush, desire hath no respect of persons, CUPID is blinde and shooteth at randon, as soone hitting a rag, as a robe, and percing assoone the bosome of a Captiue, as the breast of a Libertine. Thou speakest it poore ROSALYND by experience, for being euerie way distrest, surcharged with cares, and ouergrowne with sorrowes, yet amidst the heape of all these mishaps, loue hath lodged in thy hart the perfection of young ROSADER, a man euery way absolute as well for his inward life, as for his outward lyniaments, able to content the eye with beauty, and the eare with the report of his vertue. But consider ROSALIND his fortunes, and thy present estate, thou art poore and without patrimonie, and yet the daughter of a Prince, he a younger brother, and voide of such possessions as eyther might maintayne thy dignities, or reuenge thy fathers iniuries. And hast thou not learned this of other Ladies, that louers cannot liue by lookes; that womens eares are sooner content with a dram of giue me, than a pound of heare me; that gould is sweeter than eloquence; that loue is a fire, & wealth is the fewell; that VENUS Coffers should be euer full. Then ROSALYND, seeing that ROSADER is poore, thinke him lesse beautifull, because he is in want, and account his vertues but qualities of course, for that hee is not indued with wealth. Doth not HORACE tell thee what methode is to be vsed in loue, Tush ROSALYND, be not ouer rash; leape not before thou looke; eyther loue such a one as may with his landes purchase thy liberty, or els loue not at all. Choose not a fayre face with an emptie purse, but say as most women vse to say, Si nihil attuleris, ibis Homere foras. Why ROSALYND, can such base thoughtes harbour in such high beauties? Can the degree of Princes, the daughter of GERISMOND harbour such seruile conceites, as to prize gold more than honor, or to measure a Gentleman by his wealth, not by his vertues. No ROSALYND, blush at thy base resolution, and say if thou louest, either ROSADER or none: and why? becasue ROSADER is both beautifull and vertuous. Smiling to her selfe to thinke of her new entertayned passions, taking vp her Lute that lay by her, she warbled out this dittie. Loue in my bosome
like a Bee And if I
sleepe, then pearcheth he Els I with roses
euerie day What if I beate
the wanton
boy Scarce had ROSALYNDE ended her Madrigale, before TORISMOND came in with his daughter ALINDA, and manie of the Peeres of France, who were enamoured of her beautie: which TORISMOND perceiuing, fearing least her perfection might be the beginning of his preiudice, and the hope of his fruite ende in the beginning of her blossomes, hee thought to banish her from the Court: for quoth he to himselfe, her face is so full of fauour, that it pleads pitie in the eye of euerie man; her beautie is so heauenly and deuine, that she will prooue to me as HELEN did to PRIAM: some one of the Peeres will ayme at her loue, ende the marriage, and then in his wiues right attempt the kingdome. To preuent therefore had I wist in all these actions, she tarries not about the Court, but shall (as an exile) either wander to her father, or els seeke other fortunes. In this humour, with a stearne countenance full of wrath, he breathed out this censure vnto her before the Peeres, that charged her that that night shee were not seene about the Court: for (quoth he) I haue heard of thy aspiring speaches, and intended treasons. This doome was strange vnto ROSALYNDE, and presently couered with the shield of her innocence, shee boldly brake out in reuerend tearmes to haue cleared her selfe: but TORISMOND would admit of no reason, nor durst his Lordes plead for ROSALYNDE, although her beautie had made some of them passionate, seeing the figure of wrath portraied in his brow. Standing thus all mute, and ROSALYNDE amazed, ALINDA who loued her more than her selfe, with griefe in her heart, & teares in her eyes, falling downe on her knees, began to intreate her father thus: of faire Rosalynde.
F (mightie TORISMOND) I offende in pleading for my friend, let the law of amitie craue pardon for my boldnes; for where there is depth of affection, there friendship alloweth a priuiledge. ROSALYNDE and I haue beene fostered vp from our infancies, and nursed vnder the harbour of our conuersing together with such priuate familiarities, that custome had wrought an vnion of our nature, and the sympathie of our affections such a secrete loue, that we haue two bodies, and one soule. The mervaile not (great TORISMOND) if seeing my friend distrest, I finde my selfe perplexed with a thousand sorrowes: for her vertuous and honourable thoughts (which are the glories that maketh women excellent) they be such, as may challenge loue, and race out suspition: her obedience to your Maiestie, I referre to the censure of your owne eye, that since her fathers exile hath smothered all griefes with patience, and in the absence of nature, hath honoured you with all dutie, as her owne Father by nouriture: not in word vttering anie discontent, nor in thought (as farre as coniecture may reach) hammering on reuenge; onely in all her actions seeking to please you, & to winne my fauour. Her wisedome, silence, chastitie, and other such rich qualities, I need not decypher: onely it rests for me to conclude in one word, that she is innocent. If then, Fortune who triumphs in varietie of miseries, hath presented some enuious person (as minister of her intended stratagem) to taint ROSALYNDE with anie surmise of treason, let him be brought to her face, and confirme his accusation by witnesses; which prooued, let her die, and ALINDA will execute the massacre. If none can auouch anie confirmed relation of her intent, vse Iustice my Lord, it is the glorie of a King, and let her liue in your wonted fauour: for if you banish her, my selfe as copartner of her hard fortunes, wil participate in exile some part of her extremities. TORISMOND (at this speach of ALINDA) couered his face with such a frowne, as Tyrannie seemed to sit triumphant in his forehead, and checkt her vp with such taunts, as made the Lords (that onlie were hearers) to tremble. Proude girle (quoth he) hath my lookes made thee so light of tung, or my fauours incouraged thee to be so forward, that thou darest presume to preach at thy father? Hath not my yeares more experience than thy youth, and the winter of mine age deeper insight into ciuill policie, than the prime of thy florishing daies? The olde Lion auoides the toyles where the yong one leapes into the net: the care of age is prouident and foresees much: suspition is a vertue, where a man holds his enemie in his bosome. Thou fond girle measurest all by present affection, & as thy heart loues thy thoughts censure: but if thou knewest that in liking ROSALYND thou hatchest vp a bird to pecke out thine owne eyes, thou wouldst intreate as much for her absence, as now thou delightest in her presence. But why do I alleadge policie to thee? sit you downe huswife and fall to your needle: if idlenesse make you so wanton, or libertie so malipert, I can quicklie tie you to a sharper taske: and you (maide) this night be packing either into Arden to your father, or whether best it shall content your humour, but in the Court you shall not abide. This rigorous replie of TORISMOND nothing amazed ALINDA, for still she prosecuted her plea in the defence of ROSALYND, wishing her father (if his censure might not be reuerst) that he would appoint her partner of her exile; which if he refused to doo, either she would (by some secret meanes) steale out and follow her, or els end her daies with some desperate kinde of death. When TORISMOND heard his daughter so resolute, his heart was so hardned against her, that he set downe a definitiue and peremptorie sentence that they should both be banished: which presentlie was done. The Tyrant rather choosing to hazard the losse of his only child, than any waies to put in question the state of his kingdome: so suspicious and feareful is the conscience of an vsurper. Well, although his Lords perswaded him to retaine his owne daughter, yet his resolution might not bee reuerst, but both of them must away from the court without either more companie or delay. In he went with great melancholie, and left these two Ladies alone. ROSALYND waxed very sad, and sat downe and wept. ALINDA she smiled, and sitting by her friende began thus to comfort her. Rosalynd.
Hy how now ROSALYND, dismaide with a frowne of contrarie fortune? Haue I not oft heard thee say that high minds were discouered in fortunes contempt, and heroycall seene in the depth of extremities? Thou wert wont to tell others that complained of distresse, that the sweetest salue for miserie was patience; and the onlie medicine for want, that precious implaister of content: being such a good Phisition to others, wilt thou not minister receipts to thy selfe? But perchance thou wilt say: Why then, if the patients that are sicke of this disease can finde in themselues neither reason to perswade, nor arte to cure; yet ROSALYND) admit of the counsaile of a friend, and applie the salues that may appease thy passions. If thou grieuest that beeing the daughter of a Prince, and enuie thwarteth thee with such hard exigents, thinke that royaltie is a faire marke; that Crownes haue crosses when mirth is in Cottages; that the fairer the Rose is, the sooner it is bitten with Catterpillers; the more orient the Pearle is, the more apt to take a blemish; and the greatest birth, as it hath more honour, so it hath much enuie. If then Fortune aimeth at the fairest, be patient ROSALYND; for first by thine exile thou goest to thy father; nature is higher prised than wealth, & the loue of ones parents ought to bee more precious than all dignities: why then doth my ROSALYND grieue at the frowne of TORISMOND, who by offereing her a preiudice, proffers her a greater pleasure? and more (mad lasse) to be melancholie, when thou hast with thee ALINDA a frend, who will be a faithful copartner of al thy misfortunes, who hath left her father to followe thee, and chooseth rather to brooke all extremities than to forsake thy presence. What ROSALYND: Cheerelie woman, as wee haue been bedfellowes in royaltie, we will be fellowe mates in pouertie: I will euer bee thy ALINDA, and thou shalt euer rest to me ROSALYND: so shall the world canonize our friendship, and speake of ROSALYND and ALINDA as they did of PILADES and ORESTES. And if euer Fortune smile and wee returne to our former honour, then folding our selues in the sweete of our friendship, wee shall merelie say (calling to minde our forepasse miseries); At this ROSALYND began to comfort her; and after shee had wept a fewe kind teares in the bosome of her ALINDA, she gaue her heartie thanks, and then they sat them downe to consult how they should trauell. ALINDA grieued at nothing but that they might haue no man in their companie: saying, it would be their greatest preiudice in that two women went wandering without either guide or attendant. Tush (quoth ROSALYND) art thou a woman, and hast not a sodaine shift to preuent a misfortune? I (thou seest) am of a tall stature, and would very well become the person and apparell of a page, thou shalt bee my Mistris, and I will play the man so properly, that (trust me) in what company so euer I come I will not bee dixcouered; I will buy mee a suite, and haue my rapier very handsomely at my side, and if any knaue offer wrong, your page wil shew him the point of his weapon. At this ALINDA smiled, and vpon this they agreed, and presentlie gathered vp all their Iewels, which they trussed vp in a Casket, and ROSALYND in all hast prouided her of roabes, and ALINDA (from her royall weedes put her selfe in more homelie attire. Thus fitted to the purpose, away goe these two friends, hauing now changed their names, ALINDA being called ALIENA, and ROSALYND GANIMEDE: they trauailed along the Vineyards, and by many by-waies; at last got to the Forrest side, where they trauailed by the space of two or three daies without seeing anie creature, being often in danger of wild beasts, and payned with many passionate sorrowes. Now the black Oxe began to tread on their feete, and ALINDA thought of her wonted royaltie: but when she cast her eyes on her ROSALYND, she thought euerie danger a step to honour. Passing thus on along, about midday they came to a Fountaine, compast with a groue of Cipresse trees, so cunninglie and curiouslie planted, as if some Goddesse had intreated Nature in that place to make her an Arbour. By this Fountaine sat ALIENA and her GANIMEDE, and foorth they pulled such victualls as they had, and fed as merilie as if they had been in Paris with all the Kings delicates: ALIENA onely grieuing that they could not so much as meete with a shepheard to discourse them the way to some place where they might make their aboade. At last GANIMEDE casting vp his eye espied where on a tree was ingrauen certaine verses: which assoone as he espied, he cried out; bee of good cheere Mistris, I spie the figures of men; for here in these trees be ingrauen certaine verses of shepheards, or some other swaines that inhabite here about. With that ALIENA start vp ioyfull to heare these newes; and looked, where they found carued in the barke of a Pine tree this passion. Montanus passion.
Adst thou been borne whereas perpetuall cold Makes Tanais hard, and mountaines siluer old: Had I complain'd vnto a marble stone; Or to the flouds bewraide my bitter mone, I then could beare the burden of my griefe. But euen the pride of Countries at thy birth, Whil'st heauens did smile did new aray the earth with flowers chiefe. Yet thou the flower of beautie blessed borne, Hast pretie lookes, but all attir'd in scorne. Had I the power to
weepe sweet Mirrhas teares; No doubt (quoth ALIENA) this poesie is the passion of some perplexed shepheard, that being enamoured of some faire and beautifull Shepheardesse, suffered some sharpe repulse, and therefore complained of the crueltie of his Mistris. You may see (quoth GANIMEDE) what mad cattell you women be, whose hearts sometimes are made of Adamant that will touch with no impression; and sometime of waxe that is fit for euerie forme: they delight to be courted, and then they glorie to seeme coy; and when they are most desired then they freese with disdaine: and this fault is so common to the sex, that you see it painted out in the shepheards passions, who found his Mistris as froward as he was enamoured. And I pray you (quoth Aliena) if your roabes were off, what mettall are you made of that you are so satyricall against women? Is it not a foule bird defiles the owne nest? Beware (GANIMEDE) that ROSADER heare you not; if he doo, perchance you will make him leape so far from loue, that he wil anger euery vain in your heart. Thus (quoth GANIMEDE) I keepe decorum, I speake now as I am ALIENAS page, not as I am GERISMONDS daughter: for put me but into a peticoate, and I will stand in defiance to the vttermost that women are courteous, constant, vertuous, and what not. Stay there (quoth ALIENA) and no more words; for yonder be Caracters grauen vpon the barke of the tall Beech tree: let vs see (quoth GANIMEDE:) and with that they read a fancie written to this effect. First shall
the heauens want starrie light; First shall the
tops of highest hills First direfull
hate shal turne to peace, First First time
shall stay his staylesse race, No doubt (quoth GANIMEDE) this protestation grewe from one full of passions. I am of that mind too (quoth ALIENA) but see I pray, when poore women seeke to keepe themselues chast, how men woo them with many fained promises, alluring with sweet words as the SYRENS, and after proouing as trothlesse as AENEAS. Thus promised DEMOPHOON to his PHILLIS, but who at last grew more false? The reason was (quoth GANIMEDE) that they were womens sonnes, and took that fault of their mother; for if man had growen from man, as ADAM did from the earth, men had neuer been troubled with inconstancie. Leaue off (quoth ALIENA) to taunt thus bitterly, or els Ile pul off your pages apparell and whip you (as VENUS doth her wantons) with nettles. So you will (quoth GANIMEDE) perswade me to flattrie, and that needs not: but come (seeing we haue found heere by this Fount the trackt of Shepheards by their Madrigals and Roundelaies) let vs forward; for either we shall finde some foldes, sheepcoates, or els some cottages wherein for a day or two to rest. Co[n]tent (quoth ALIENA) and with that they rose vp, and marched forward till towards the euen: and then comming into a faire valley (compassed with mountaines, whereon grewe many pleasant shrubbs) they might descrie where two flocks of sheepe did feede. Then looking about, they might perceiue where an old shepheard sat (and with him a yong swaine) vnder a couert most pleasantlie scituated. The ground where they sat was diapred with FLORAS riches, as if she ment to wrap TELLUS in the glorie of her vestments: round about in the forme of an Amphitheater were most curiouslie planted Pine trees, interseamed with Limons and Citrons, which with the thicknesse of their boughes so shadowed the place, that PHŒBUS could not prie into the secret of that Arbour; so vnited were the tops with so thicke a closure, that VENUS might there in her iollitie haue dallied vnseene with her deerest paramour. Fast by (to make the place more gorgeous) was there a Fount so Christalline and cleere, that it seemed DIANA with her DRIADES and HEMADRIADES had that spring, as the secrete of all their bathings. In this glorious Arbour sat these two shepheards (seeing their sheepe feede) playing on their pipes many pleasant tunes, and from musick and melodie falling into much amorous chat: drawing more nigh we might descrie the countenance of the one to be full of sorowe, his face to be the verie pourtraiture of discontent, and his eyes full of woes, that liuing he seemed to dye: wee (to heare what these were) stole priuilie behind the thicke, where we ouerheard this discourse. and Coridon.
Ay shepheards boy, what makes thee greet so sore? Why leaues thy pipe his pleasure and delight? Yong are thy yeares, thy cheekes with roses dight: The sing for ioy (sweet swaine) and sigh no more. This milke white
Poppie and this climbing
Pine Ah (Coridon)
vnmeet is melodie Loues burning
brand is couched in my brest, Preparde to woes
since so my Phœ be wills, In errours maske I
blindfolde iudgements eye, Deuoyd of rest,
companion of
distresse, Ah Lorrell lad,
makes thee Herry loue? Againe, in seeming
shadowed still
with want, A minutes ioy to
gaine a world of greefe, For thy Montanus
follow mine arreede, So blames the
childe the
flame, because it burnes; But would the
childe forbeare to play
with flame, The childe would
praise the fire, because it
warmes; Ah Coridon,
though manie be thy yeares, The ploughman
little wots to turne the pen, Nor wythered age
(vnmeete for beauties guide, But I (whom nature
makes of tender
molde, Think I of loue,
ô how my lines aspire? Then
leaue my lines their homely equipage, Of Phœbe
then, of Phœbe then I sing, In fluent numbers
and in
pleasant vaines, My sheepe are
turnd to thoughts,
whom froward will [M]y sheepehooke
is my pen, mine oaten reede Yet are my cares,
my broken sleepes, my teares, Then Coridon
although I blythe me not, Oh staylesse
by errour so misguided; With willfull
blindnesse bleared,
preparde to shame, Ah (my Montanus)
cursed is the
charme As manie bees as Hibla
daily shields, As manie
starres as glorious heauen containes, Suspitions,
thoughts, desires,
opinions, praiers, Truce, warre, and
woe doo waite at beauties gate; All Adder-like I
mine eares (fond swaine)
Faire Mistres, we returne you as heartie a welcome, as you gaue vs a courteous salute. A shepheard I am, & this a louer, as watchful to please his wench, as to feed his sheep: full of fancies, and therefore (say I) full of follies. Exhort him I may, but perswade him I cannot; for Loue admits neither of counsaile, nor reason. But leauing him to his passions, if you be distrest, I am sorrowfull such a faire creature is crost wt calamitie: pray for you I may, but releeue you I cannot: marry, if you want lodging, if you vouch to shrowd your selues in a shepheards cotage, my house ( for this night) shalbe your harbour. ALIENA thankt CORIDON greatly, and presently sate her downe and GANIMEDE by her. CORIDON looking earnestly vppon her, and with a curious suruey viewing all her perfections, applauded (in his thought) her excellence, and pitying her distresse, was desirous to heare the cause of her misfortunes, began to question with her thus. I I should not (faire Damosell) occasionate offence, or renue your griefes by rubbing the scarre, I would faine craue so much fauour, as to know the cause of your misfortune: and why, and whether you wander with your page in so dangerous a forrest. ALIENA (that was as courteous as she was faire) made this reply; Shepheard, a friendlie demaund ought neuer to be offensiue, and questions of courtesie carrie priuiledged pardons in their forheads. Know therfore, to discouer my fortunes were to renue my sorrowes, and I should by discoursing my mishaps, but rake fier out of the cinders. Therfore let this suffice (gentle shepheard) my distresse is as great as my trauell is dangerous, and I wander in this forrest, to light on some cottage where I and my Page may dwell: for I meane to buy some farme, and a flocke of sheepe, and so become a shepherdesse, meaning to liue low, and content me with a countrey life: for I haue heard the swaynes say, that they drunke without suspition, & slept without care. Marry Mistres (quoth CORIDON) if you meane so you came in a good time, for my landslord intends to sell both the farme I till, and the flock I keepe, & cheap you may haue them for readie money: and for a shepheards life (oh Mistresse) did you but liue a while in their content, you would saye the Court were rather a place of sorrowe, than of solace. Here (Mistresse) shall not Fortune thwart you, but in meane misfortunes, as the losse of a few sheepe, which, as it breeds no beggerie, so it can bee no extreame preiudice: the next yeare may mend al with a fresh increase. Enuie stirres not vs, wee couet not to climbe, our desires mount not aboue our degree, nor our thoughts aboue our fortunes. Care cannot harbour in our cottages, nor doo our homely couches know broken slumbers: as we exceede not in diet, so we haue inough to satisfie: and Mistres I haue so much Latin, Satis est quod sufficit. By my troth shepheard (quoth ALIENA) thou makest me in loue with your countrey life, and therefore sende for thy Landslord, and I will buy thy farme and thy flockes, & thou shalt still (vnder me) be ouerseer of them both: onely for pleasuresake I and my Page will serue you, lead the flocks to the field, and folde them: thus will I liue quiet, vnknowen, and contented. This newes so gladded the hart of CORIDON, that he should not be put out of his farme, that (putting off his shepheards bonnet) he did her all the reuerence that he might. But all this while sate MONTANUS in a muse thinking of the crueltie of his PHŒBE whom he woed long, but was in no hope to winne. GANIMEDE who still had the remembrance of ROSADER in his thoughts, tooke delight to see the poore shepheard passionate, laughing at loue that in all his actions was so imperious. At last when shee had noted his teares that stole downe his cheekes, and his sighes that broake from the center of his heart, pittying his lament, she demaunded of CORIDON why the young shepheard looked so sorrowfull? Oh sir (quoth he) the boy is in loue. Why (quoth GANIMEDE) can shepheards loue? I (quoth MONTANUS ) and ouerloue, els shouldst not thou see mee so pensiue. Loue (I tell thee) is as precious in a shepheards eye as in in the lookes of a King, and we countrey swaynes intertain fancie with as great delight, as the proudest courtier doth affection. Opportunitie (that is the sweetest freind to VENUS harboureth in our cottages, and loyaltie (the chiefest fealtie that CUPID requires) is found more among shepheardes than higher degrees. Then aske not if such silly swaynes can loue? What is the cause then, quoth GANIMEDE, that Loue being so sweete to thee, thou lookest so sorrowfull? Because, quoth MONTANUS, the partie beloued is froward: and hauing courtesie in her lookes, holdeth disdaine in her tongues ende. What hath she then quoth ALIENA, in her heart? Desire ( I hope Madame) quoth he: or els my hope lost, despaire in Loue were death. As thus they chatted, the Sunne being readie to set, and they not hauing folded their sheepe, CORIDON requested she would sit there with her Page, till MONTANUS and he lodged their sheepe for that night. You shall goe quoth ALIENA, but first I will intreate MONTANUS to sing some amorous Sonnet, that hee made when he hath been deeply passionate. That I will quoth MONTANUS: and with that he began thus.