
Isopes Fabules (c.1400?)
[Aesop's Fables, BL MS Harley 2251]
Introduction - TEAMS
Complete - TEAMS
The Floure of Curtesye (c.1401)

[The Flower of Courtesy]

Complete - Google Books
Complete - TEAMS
The Troy Book (written c.1412-1420; pub. 1513)

[aka The Siege of Troy]

Complete Manuscript - Rylands Library, Manchester
Complete 1906 Bergen ed. - UVA
1906 Bergen ed. Vol I - Internet Archive
1906 Bergen ed. Vol II - Internet Archive
Selections - TEAMS
The Lyf of our Lady (written c.1420-22?; pub. 1484)

[The Life of our Lady (Stella Maris);
BL Harley MS 629]
(ed. Lauritis, 1961)

Complete Manuscript Text - British Library
Complete - UVA
[O thoughtful hearté, plunged in distress]
The Siege of Thebes (written c. 1421-22; pub. 1495)

[aka The Story of Thebes]

Complete - Google Books
Complete - UVA

Introduction - TEAMS
Prologue - Harvard

Prima Pars - TEAMS
Secunda Pars - TEAMS
Tercia Pars - TEAMS
Guy of Warwick (wr. early 1420s)
(Based on a chronicle history by Gerard of Cornwall)

Introduction - TEAMS
Complete - TEAMS
Saint Austin at Compton (c. 1420-40)

Introduction - TEAMS
Complete - TEAMS
Complete - Google Books
The Life of Saint Margaret
(written c. 1426? MS. 8 Henry VI; 1430)

Complete - TEAMS
The Pilgrimage of the Life of Man (1426)

[by John Lydgate, A.D. 1426, from the French
of Guillaume de Deguileville;
British Library Cotton MS Tiberius A VII/1;
edited by F.J. Furnivall (1899-1904). 3 vols.]

Complete Manuscript - British Library
Complete 1904 Furnivall/Locock ed. - Google Books
Complete 1904 Furnivall/Locock ed. - UVA

Part I - Internet Archive
Part II - Internet Archive
Part III - Internet Archive
Dance of Death (wr. c.1426)
(Based on the anonymous French Danse macabre)

Complete A- and B-texts - TEAMS
Stans puer ad mensam (pub. 1476)

Introduction - TEAMS
Complete 2008 Shuffelton ed. - TEAMS
The Lamentacyon of Our Lady (pub. 1510)

Complete - Google Books
The Fall of Princes (wr. 1431-1438; pub. 1527)

[Here begynneth the boke of Johan Bochas, discryuing
the falls of princes, princesses and other nobles, translated
into Englysshe by John Lydgate monke of Bury begynnyng
at Adam and Eve and endyng with King Johan of Fraunce
taken prisoner at Poyters by prince Edwarde]

Complete - UVA

[All Stands in Change Like a Midsummer Rose]
[Bk 1: Canace Condemned to death, to her brother]
[Bk 1: Of mighty Sampson] - Harvard
[Bk 7: Description of the Golden Age]
[Transcription of an Episode] - UVictoria
[Dance Macabre from the Ellesmere MS.] - Martin Hagstrøm
The Lives of Saints Edmund and Fremund (c.1433)

Complete - The Canon of John Lydgate Project
On the Prospect of Peace (1443-4)

[Harleian MS. 2255]
Complete - Google Books
Verses on Queen Margaret's Entry into London (1445)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
The Chorle and the Birde (pub. 1477)

[The Churl and the Bird]

[Harleian MS. 2407]

Complete - Google Books
The Temple of Glas [Glass] (pub. 1477)

Complete Facsimile of the 1477 Caxton ed. - Google Books
Complete 1891 Schick ed. - Google Books
Complete 1891 Schick ed. - UVA
Complete 2007 - TEAMS
The Horse, the Goose, and the Sheep (pub. 1499)

Complete Facsimile - Google Books
Verses on the Seven Virtues (pub. 1500)

Complete - EEBO
Here begynnys the mayng or disport of Chaucer (pub. 1508)

[aka The Complaint of the Black Knight;
or, The Complaint of a Lover's Life]

Complete Facsimile + Transcript - National Library of Scotland
Complete - Google Books
Complete - TEAMS
London Lickpenny

[aka London Lackpenny;
British Library MS Harley 542 fols. 102r-104r]

Complete - Google Books
Complete - TEAMS
The Pain and Sorrow of Evil Marriage (pub. 1530)

[The payne and sorowe of evyll maryage.
Translation of De conjuge non ducenda]

Complete - TEAMS
Dietary: or Rules for Health

Complete - TEAMS
[Excerpts] - Google Books
Lydgate's Verses on the Kings of England

Complete - Google Books
Complete - British History Online
Venus-Mass (c. 1450)

[Bodleian MS. Fairfax 16]

Complete - Google Books
Merita Missæ

[Cotton MS. Titus, A. xxvi, fol. 154. (c. 1470)]

Complete - Google Books
Vertue of the Masse (pub. 1520)

[Harleian MS. 2254]

[Entryng the chirche]
[Be ware ye pristis]
[The offeratory next comyng]
[The sanctus sunge thries]
Virtutes Missarum

[Harleian MS. 3954. fol. 76r, col. 2.]

[Excerpt] - Google Books
Testament of John Lydgate (pub. 1520)

[Here begynneth the testament of John Lydgate monke
of Berry: which he made hymselfe, by his lyfe dayes.]

Complete - Google Books

[Lyk a Lambe Offryd in Sacrifice]
Fabula duorum mercatorum (c1530?)
[aka Tale of Two Merchants]

Complete - TEAMS
Secrets of Old Philosophers
(unfinished at Lydgate's death, completed by Burgh)

[aka Secrees of Old Philisoffres: A Version of the 'Secreta Secretorum']
[Sloan MS. 2464]

Complete 1894 Steele ed. - Google Books
Complete 1894 Steele ed. - UVA
[2nd Epistle of Alexander to Aristotle] - Harvard
Life of St. Alban and St. Amphibal (pub. 1534)

[Here begynnethe the glorious lyfe and passion of seint
Albon prothomartyr of Englande, and also the lyfe and
passion of saint Amphabel; which converted saint Albon
to the fayth of Christe]
(Carl Horstmann, ed. 1882)

Complete - Google Books
Complete - UVA
The Serpent of Division (London, 1559)
[aka Damage and Destruction in Realms]
(Henry MacCracken, ed. 1911)

Complete - UMich
[L'Envoy] - UVA
Lydgate's Mummings and Entertainments
A Mumming at Eltham
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]
(ed. Humphrey Milford, Oxford 1934)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
Lydgate's Disguising at Hertford Castle
[aka A Mumming at Hertford]
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]
(written c.1427; ed. Humphrey Milford, 1934)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
Complete - Project Gutenberg
A Mumming at London
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]
(ed. Humphrey Milford, Oxford 1934)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
The Mumming At Bishopswood
[MS. Bodl. Ashmole 59, ff. 62-64]
(ed. Humphrey Milford, Oxford 1934)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
A Mumming at Windsor (c.1424)
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]
(ed. Humphrey Milford, Oxford 1934)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
A Mumming For The Mercers of London
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]
(ed. Humphrey Milford, Oxford 1934)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
A Mumming For The Goldsmiths of London
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]
(ed. Humphrey Milford, Oxford 1934)

Complete - TEAMS
Complete - UVA
Legend of St. George, for the Armouries of London
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 21]

Complete - TEAMS
Bycorne and Chychevache
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]

Complete - TEAMS
Mesure Is Tresour
[BL MS Harley 2255]

Complete - TEAMS
Pageant of Knowledge
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 21]

Complete - TEAMS
A Procession of Corpus Christi (wr. late 1420s?)
[MS. Trin. Coll. Camb., R. 3. 20]

Complete - TEAMS
Soteltes at the Coronation Banquet (1429)
[BL MS Cotton Julius B.i]

Complete - TEAMS
Lydgate's Minor Poems
A Selection from the Minor Poems of Dan John Lydgate

(J. O. Halliwell-Phillips, ed. 1840)

Complete - Google Books
The Two Nightingale Poems (1446)

(Otto Glauning, ed. 1900)

Complete - Google Books
Complete - UVA
Complete - Internet Archive
The Dolerous Pyte of Christes Passioun

Complete - Google Books
A Balade in Commendation of our Lady

Complete - Google Books
To my Soverain Lady

Complete - Google Books
Epithalamium for Gloucester

Complete - Harvard
Ballad of Good Counsel

Complete - Google Books
Beware of Doubleness

Complete - Google Books
A Goodly Balade

Complete - Google Books
Go Forth, King

Complete - Google Books
Reason and Sensuality
[Reson and sensuallyte]
(ed. from Bodleian MS. Fairfax 16 f202r, ff. and BL Add. MS. 29, 729
by Ernst Sieper; 2 vols; London, 1901-03)

Complete - Google Books
A Ditty of Women's Horns

[Horns Away!]
King Henry VI's Triumphal Entry into London (1432)
[BL Harley MS 565, 114v-124r]
(ed. Humphrey Milford, 1934)

Complete Manuscript Text - British Library
Complete - TEAMS
[Ordenaunces ffor the Kyng] - UVA
The Grateful Dead
Complete - Google Books
Anonymous Works Attributed to Lydgate
The Assembly of Gods (pub. 1498)

[aka, The Accord of Reason and Sensuality in the Fear of Death;
the interpretacon of the names of goddis and goddesses]

Introduction - TEAMS
Complete 1999 Chance ed. - TEAMS
Complete 1896 Triggs ed. - Google Books
Complete 1896 Triggs ed. - UVA
Complete - Project Gutenberg
Beware (The Blynde Eteth Many a Flye) (pub. 1561)

[aka A Balade : Warning Men to Beware of Deceitful Women]

Complete - Google Books
Complete - TEAMS
Prohemy of a Mariage Betwixt an Olde Man and a Yonge Wife,
and the Counsail (written c. 1430)

Complete - TEAMS
The Siege of Harfleur and the Battle of Agincourt (1415)

Complete - Google Books
Mumming of the Seven Philosophers (written c.1430)
[Trinity College MS R.3.19]

Complete - TEAMS
 | to John Lydgate |
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