
From The Book of Margery Kempe
[Pilgrimage to Jerusalem]
*** And so they went forth into the
Holy Land till they might see Jerusalem. And when this creature saw
Jerusalem, riding on an ass, she thanked God with all her heart,
praying him for his mercy that like as he had brought her to see this
earthly city Jerusalem, he would grant her grace to see the blissful
city Jerusalem above, the city of Heaven. Our Lord Jesu Christ,
answering to her thought, granted her to have her desire. Then for joy
that she had and the sweetness that she felt in the dalliance of our
Lord, she was in point to 'a fallen off her ass, for she might not bear
the sweetness and grace that God wrought in her soul. The twain
pilgrims of Dutchmen went to her and kept her from falling, of which
the one was a priest. And he put spices in her mouth to comfort her,
weening she had been sick. And so they helped her forth to Jerusalem.
And when she came there, she said, "Sirs, I pray you be not displeased
though I weep sore in this holy place where our Lord Jesu Christ was
quick and dead."
Then they went to the Temple in Jerusalem,
and they were let in that one day at evensong time and they abide there
till the next day at evensong time. Then the friars lifted up a cross
and led the pilgrims about from one place to another where our Lord had
suffered his pains and his passions, every man and woman bearing a wax
candle in their hand. And the friars always as they went about told
them what our Lord suffered in every place. And the foresaid creature
wept and sobbed so plentivously as though she had seen our Lord with
her bodily eye suffering his Passion at that time. Before her in her
soul she saw him verily by contemplation, and that caused her to have
compassion. And when they came up onto the Mount of Calvary she fell
down that she might not stand nor kneel but wallowed and wrested with
her body, spreading her arms abroad, and cried with a loud voice as
though her heart should 'a burst asunder, for in the city of her soul
she saw verily and freshly how our Lord was crucified. Before her face
she heard and saw in her ghostly sight the mourning of our Lady, of St.
John and of Mary Magdalene, and of many other that loved our Lord. And
she had so great compassion and so great pain to see our Lord's pain
that she might not keep herself from crying and roaring though she
should 'a been dead therefore.
And this was the first cry that ever she
cried in any contemplation. And this manner of crying endured many
years after this time for aught that any man might do, and therefore
suffered she much despite and much reproof. The crying was so loud and
so wonderful that it made people astoned unless that they had heard it
before or else that they knew the cause of the crying. Abd she had them
so oftentimes that they made her right weak in her bodily mights, and
namely if she heard of our Lord's Passion. And sometime when she saw
the Crucifix, or if she saw a man had a wound or a beast, whether it
were, or if a man beat a child before her or smote a horse or another
beast with a whip, if she might see it or hear it, her thought she saw
our Lord be beaten or wounded like as she saw in the man or in the
beast, as well in the field as in the town, and by herself alone as
well as among the people. First when she had her cryings at Jerusalem,
she had them oftentimes, and in Rome also. And when she came home into
England, first at her coming home it came but seldom as it were once in
a month, sithen once in the week, afterward quotidianly, and once she
had fourteen on one day, and another day she had seven, and so as God
would visit her, sometime in the church, sometime in the street,
sometime in the chamber, sometime in the field when God would send
them, for she knew never time nor hour when they should come. And they
came never without passing great sweetness of devotion and high
contemplation. And as soon as she perceived that she should cry, she
would keep it in as much as she might that people should not 'a heard
it for noying of them. For some said it was a wicked spirit vexed her;
some said it was a sickness; some said she had drunken too much wine;
some banned her; some wished she had been in the haven; some would she
had been in the sea in a bottomless boat; and so each man as him
thought. Other ghostly men loved her and favored her the more. Some
great clerks said our Lady cried never so, nor no saint in Heaven, but
they knew full little what she felt, nor they would not believe but
that she might 'a abstained her from crying if she had wished.
dalliance - conversation
quick - living
quotidianly - daily
noying - annoying
banned - cursed
ghostly - spiritual
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 6th Ed. Vol. 1.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1993.
 | to Works of Margery Kempe |
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