
From The Book of Margery Kempe
[Her Pride and Attempts to Start a Business]
And when this creature was thus
graciously come again to her mind, she thought she was bound to God and
that she would be his servant. Nevertheless, she would not leave her
pride nor her pompous array that she had used beforetime, neither for
her husband nor
for none other man's counsel. And yet she wist full well that men said
her full much
villainy, for she wore gold pipes on her head and her hoods with the
tippets were dagged. Her cloaks also were dagged and laid with divers
colors between the dags that it should be the more staring to men's
sight and herself the more worshiped. And when her
husband would speak to her for to leave her pride she answered shrewdly
and shortly and
said that she was come of worthy kindred - him seemed never for to 'a
wedded her - for her father was sometime mayor of the town N and sithen
he was alderman of the high Gild
of the Trinity in N. And therefore she would save the worship of her
kindred whatsoever
any man said. She had full great envy at her neighbors that they should
be arrayed as well as she. All her desire was for to be worshiped of
the people. She would not beware by one's chastening nor be content
with the good that God had sent her, as her husband was, but ever
desired more and more.
And then, for pure covetise and for to
maintain her pride, she gan to brew and was one of the greatest brewers
in the town N a three year or four till she lost much good, for she had
never ure thereto. For though she had never so good servants and
cunning in brewing, yet it would never prove with them. For when the
ale was as fair standing under barm as any man might see, suddenly the
barm would fall down that all the ale was lost every brewing after
other, that her servants were ashamed and would not dwell with
her. Then this creature thought how God had punished her beforetime and
she could not
beware, and now eftsoons by losing of her goods, and then she left and
brewed no more. And then she asked her husband mercy for she would not
follow his counsel aforetime, and
she said that her pride was cause of all her punishing and she would
amend that she had trespassed with good will.
Tippets, loose bands of cloth
Pipes, tubular head ornaments
barm, froth or head
The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 6th Ed. Vol. 1.
New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1993.
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Created by Anniina Jokinen on March 26, 1996. Last updated on January 25, 2023.
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