The Works of John Gower

Lover's Confession. BL MS Harley 3869 f.18.
Mirour de l'Omme; or, Speculum Hominis (wr. 1376-79?)
[Gower later changed the title to Speculum Meditantis]

Complete 1899 Macaulay ed. - Google Books
Excerpts - W. W. Norton
Vox Clamantis (wr. 1377-82?)
Complete 1902 Macaulay ed. - Google Books
Excerpt from Book I - W. W. Norton
Excerpts from Book III - W. W. Norton
Excerpt: ll.1015-1112 - WMichigan
Confessio Amantis (wr. 1386-1390?)
Bodleian Library MS Fairfax 3 — Digitised Manuscript
Camb. U. St. Cath. Coll. MS 7 — Digitised Manuscript
Complete 1901 Macaulay ed. - Google Books
Audio Readings of Confessio Amantis Excerpts - Dr. Brian W. Gastle
Introduction to Confessio Amantis - TEAMS Texts
Complete - UVA
Complete - OMACL
Prologue to The Confessio Amantis, glossed - Harvard
Prologue, annotated - TEAMS
Book I, annotated - TEAMS
Gower in Love (Bk I, 93-202) - Harvard
The Tale of Constance (Bk II, 587-612) (cf. Chaucer MLT) - Harvard
The Tale of Florent (Bk II, 1407-1882) (cf. Chaucer WBT) - Harvard
The Tale of Canace and Machaire (Bk III, 143-359) - Harvard
The Tale of Phoebus and the Crow (Bk III, 783-817) (cf. Chaucer MancT)
John Gower on Alchemy (Bk IV, 451-632) - Harvard
The Four Humors (or Complexions) (Bk VII, 380-520) - Harvard
Gower's Discussion of Astronomy (Bk VII, 625-1506) - Harvard
The Tale of Virginia (Bk VII, 5131-5306) (cf. Chaucer PhysT) - Harvard
Book VIII, annotated - TEAMS
The Tale of Apollonius of Tyre (Book VIII, 1021-1217) - UTEL
Venus' Farewell and Message to Chaucer (Bk VIII, 2814-2970)
Cinkante Balades (c. 1399)
Complete 1899 Macaulay ed. - Google Books
Traitié pour essampler les Amantz marietz (c. 1397)
Complete 1899 Macaulay ed. - Google Books
Latin Works
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