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John Dryden |
=Student Essay
See Dryden Essay Page
Samuel Butler |
=Student Essay
Samuel Butler And 'Hudibras' - Ian Jack
On the Hero of Hudibras; Butler Vindicated - Isaac D'Israeli
Samuel Pepys |
=Student Essay
Samuel Pepys - Robert Louis Stevenson
Samuel Pepys and His Cookbooks - Roy
The Diary Network in Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century England - Elaine McKay
An Entrancing Ego: Samuel Pepys - Clara Claiborne Park
John Bunyan |
=Student Essay
Trope and Truth in The Pilgrim's Progress - Brenda Machosky
The Sign of the Cross in John Bunyan's Grace Abounding - Peter Goldman
John Bunyan - Andrew Lang
Progress: A Review - George Latham
Christian Allegory in the Seventeenth Century: A Comparison of George Herbert and John Bunyan - Rebecca Branham Dimon
conflicted Puritan inheritance of John Bunyan's political writings - Galen K. Johnson
The Place of Despair and Hope - Angus Fletcher
The Pilgrim's Progress: A Dream That Endures - James F. Forrest
Fearful Allegories: Bunyan's Vision of the Christian Life - Nathan Vonnahme
An Introduction to John Bunyan’s The House of the Forest of Lebanon - Sarah Hale
The Author and His Reader: Christian Literature as Conversation - Heather-Ann Wickers
John Bunyan's The Heavenly Footman - Lawrence Bilkes
John Bunyan's The Strait Gate: Rightly Handling the Master's Metaphor - Rob Barrett
John Bunyan's One Thing is Needful - Jennifer Cuthbertson
The Water of Life - Donna McDowell
The Significance and Success of Allegory and Dreams in The Pilgrim's Progress - Anon. Student at University of York
Aphra Behn |
=Student Essay
See Aphra Behn Essay Page
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea |
=Student Essay
Staying out late: Anne Finch's poetics of evening - Christopher R. Miller
Anne Finch as a Translator - Ellen Moody
Anne Finch and Lady Mary Montagu: Sister Poets - Ellen Moody
"I hate such parts as we have plaid today" - Ellen Moody
The Elephant as Disgruntled Literary Critic and An Elephant Fretting to No Purpose - Ellen Moody
Anne Finch Surveys Womankind - Joyce Cornette Palmer
Matthew Prior |
=Student Essay
The Jacobite Poets of Richmond - Donald Bruce
"The most fatal of all faults": Samuel Johnson on Prior's Solomon and the need for variety - Matthew M. Davis
Daniel Defoe |
=Student Essay
Women, Work, Rearguard Politics, and Defoe's Moll Flanders - Melissa Mowry
At Home in England, or Projecting Liberal Citizenship in Moll Flanders - Amit Yahav-Brown
Defoe's Alternative Conduct Manual: Survival Strategies and Female Networks in Moll Flanders - S. Swaminathan
Defoe's 'Almost Invisible Hand': Narrative Logic as a Structuring Principle in Moll Flanders - Carl R. Lovitt
Moll Flanders: The Felon as Lawyer - Beth Swan
Moll Flanders and English Marriage Law - Melissa J. Ganz
Crusoe in the Cave: Defoe and the Semiotics of Desire - Geoffrey M. Sill
The Myth of Cronus: Cannibal and Sign in Robinson Crusoe - Dianne Armstrong
How to Say Things with Guns: Military Technology and the Politics of Robinson Crusoe - Christopher F. Loar
Narrative Contraries as Signs in Defoe's Fiction - Robert James Merrett
Real and Imaginary Stories: Robinson Crusoe and the Serious Reflections - Jeffrey Hopes
Myths of Modern Individualism: Faust, Don Quixote, Don Juan, Robinson Crusoe - Donna Landry & Gerald MacLean
The Significant Gift in Eighteenth Century English Literature - J. Goellner
Defoe and the London Wall: Mapped Perspectives - Edward Copeland
The 'Lost' Continuation of Defoe's Roxana - P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens
Objects, Imaginings, and Facts: Going beyond Genre in Behn and Defoe - G. Gabrielle Starr
Defoe and Francis Noble - P.N. Furbank and W.R. Owens
The Dialectics of Inside and Outside: Dominated and Appropriated Space in Defoe's Historical Fictions - George A. Drake
Serious Reflections on Daniel Defoe - J. Paul Hunter
The Soldierly Imagination: Narrating Fear in Defoe's Memoirs of a Cavalier - Sharon Alker
Gendered Cultural Criticism and the Rise of the Novel: The Case of Defoe - Maximillian E. Novak
A Sermon by the "Queen of Whores" - Marilyn Westfall
Reading and Righting Moll Flanders - Thomas Grant Olsen
"I wou'd be a Man-Woman": Roxana's Amazonian threat to the ideology of marriage - Shawn Lisa Maurer
"Roxana": The 1740 Version - Robert J. Griffin
The Institution of the English Novel: Defoe's Contribution - Homer Brown
At home in England; or, projecting liberal citizenship in Moll Flanders - Amit Yahav-Brown
Commercial Paper, Commercial Fiction: The Compleat English Tradesman and Defoe's Reluctant Novels - S. Sherman
Robinson Crusoe in Hollywood - Walter Coppedge
Bunyan, Defoe, and the Novel - Peter J. Leithart
Robinson Crusoe: An Evolution of Political Religion - Sean Cox
Swift's "A Modest Proposal" and Defoe's "Shortest-Way" - Bruce Seaton
How Property and Ownership lead to Moral Economy in Defoe's
Robinson Crusoe and Locke's Second Treatise of Government - Sarah Jacobson
Religion and Economics: Defoe's Robinson Crusoe and
Weber's Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism - Meghan Harrigan
Shame on You: Defoe and Locke - Tripp Cook
Property According to John Locke and Daniel Defoe - Larisa Otto
Locke and Defoe on Property - Jenny Poppert
Jonathan Swift |
=Student Essay
Swift as Christian Satirist - J. S. Porter
The Shifting Persona in Jonathan Swift's A Tale of a Tub - Harriette Wallace
Society Cannot Be Flat: Hierarchy and Power in Gulliver's Travels - Monica F. Jacobe
Splenetic ogres and heroic cannibals in Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal - Ahsan Chowdhury
The Will to Madness: Pride and the Meaning of Gulliver's Madness - J. Goellner
Jonathan Swift: Exile from Emotion - J. Goellner
Jonathan Swift Contra John Dunton - J. Goellner
Swift on false witness - Jeanne Clegg
Reading the Material Text of Swift's "Verses on the Death" - Stephen Karian
The Revolutionary Role of Venus Athena and Other Goddesses in "Cadenus and Vanessa" - Suzanne Poor
Dryden, Pope, and Swift: Intimacy and Eclecticism - Ian McKillop
Swift and the Idea of the Primitive Church - Anne Barbeau Gardiner
Public Certainty, Private Doubt: Swift in and out of the Pulpit -
Michael DePorte
The Dean and the Dissenters - Ruth A. Herman
On Jonathan Swift's 'On the Day of Judgement' - W. J. McCormack
The Satirist and his Faith: an Overview - Brean S.Hammond
Swift and Sin - Dr Robert Mahony
'Hand in hand to posterity'? Reading politics in Swift and Pope -
Valerie Rumbold
The 'Radical' Swift: The Fullback's Dilemma - Christopher J. Fauske
Swift, The Wild Boy of Hanover, and Queen Caroline - Christine Gerrard
Swift's Thoughts on Religion - Denis Donoghue
The Politics of A Modest Proposal - Ian Higgins
Swift and the Physicians: Aspects of Satire and Status - C. T. Probyn
Satire out of Time - Philip Hensher
Swift and Kafka - Jeffrey Meyers
Comparison of Swift's "The Lady's Dressing Room" and Pope's "Rape of the Lock" - Susan Siferd
Jonathan Swift's Satire and Irony - Elena Taralunga Tamura [.pdf]
Swift's "A Modest Proposal" and Defoe's "Shortest-Way" - Bruce Seaton
Some Thoughts Concerning Satire: An Exploration of Lockean Philosophy in Gulliver's Travels - Lauren Jarecki
William Congreve |
=Student Essay
Explication of Congreve's The Way of the World - R. T. Davis
Wit, Propriety, and Style in The Way of the World - Charles H. Hinnant
Discourse and Power in The Way of the World - Richard W. F. Kroll
Congreve's Way of the World and Popular Criminal Literature - John E. Loftis
The Indigestion of Widdow-hood: Blood, Jonson, and The Way of the World - James E. Neufeld
Capital Relations and The Way of the World - Richard Braverman
Language and Action in The Way of the World, Love's Last Shift, and The Relapse - Alan Roper
"This thing was only designed for show and form": The Vicissitudes of Resemblance in Congreve's Incognita - Aspasia Velissariou
Odes of Absorption in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century - Margaret Koehler
A "Double Portion of his Father's Art": Congreve, Dryden, Jonson and the drama of theatrical succession - Harold Weber
Congreve's Incognita: Romance, Novel, Drama? - Kristiaan P. Aercke
Congreve und Molière: Literar-Historische Untersuchung (1890) - Alexander Bennewitz
John Gay |
=Student Essay
'An Irregular Dog': Gay's Alternative Theatre - Peter Lewis
The Beggar's Opera and its Criminal Law Context - Ian Gallacher
Three Stories of Celebrity: The Beggar's Opera "Biographies" - Cheryl Wanko
The Music of John Gay's The Beggar's Opera - Jeremy Barlow
Handelian Opera in England - Roy Lisker
An Overview of The Beggar's Opera - Chris VanHorn
Music in The Beggar's Opera - Bareket, Eisendrath, & Selig
Class and Gender in The Beggar's Opera - Ana Hartman
Mary Astell |
=Student Essay
Book: Mary Astell (1916) - Florence M. Smith
Mary Astell and Metaphysics - Alice Sowaal
Eden Revisited: Re-visions of the Garden in Astell's Serious Proposal,
Scott's Millenium Hall, and Graffigny's Lettres d'une péruvienne - J. David Macey Jr
Mary Astell: A Brush with Spinoza - Sarah Ellenzweig
De l'invisibilité du genre dans la théorie politique. Le débat Locke/Astell - E. Pisier & E. Varikas [.pdf]
Mary Astell: Christian Feminist - Margret Taube
Marriage in Astell and Montagu - Jennifer Thompson
Joseph Addison |
=Student Essay
Social and Literary Form in the Spectator - Scott Black
Mr. Spectator and the Coffeehouse Public Sphere - Brian Cowan
Ideology and Addison's Essays on the Pleasures of the Imagination - William Walker
Cato's Ghosts: Pope, Addison, and Opposition Cultural Politics - Jorge Bastos da Silva
Book: Macaulay's Essay on Addison - Google Books
From Stage to Folk: A Note on the Passages from Addison's Rosamond in the "Truro" Mummers' Play - Tom Pettitt
Juba's Roman Soul: Addison's Cato and Enlightenment Cosmopolitanism - Laura J. Rosenthal
Defining the Rake and Identifying His Demise in Addison and Steele's Spectator and Tattler - Theresa Hemsoth
Sir Richard Steele |
=Student Essay
Social and Literary Form in the Spectator - Scott Black
Mr. Spectator and the Coffeehouse Public Sphere - Brian Cowan
Richard Steele and the Genealogy of Sentimental Drama: A Reading of The Conscious Lovers - Peter Hynes
Defining the Rake and Identifying His Demise in Addison and Steele's Spectator and Tattler - Theresa Hemsoth
Alexander Pope |
=Student Essay
Pope: Bipolar Implication - Irvin Ehrenpreis
Pope at Chiswick - Jonathan Pritchard
Slouching toward Augusta: Alexander Pope's 1736 "Windsor Forest" - Scott M. Cleary
Alexander Pope and Duke Upon Duke: Satiric Context, Aims, and Means - Pat Rogers
Commodity and Religion in Pope's The Rape of the Lock - Alex Eric Hernandez
Pope and the Allegorical Mode - Michael C. Hall
The Jacobite Poets of Richmond - Donald Bruce
The "Garbage Heap" of Memory: At Play in Pope's Archives of Dulness - Harold Weber
Nameless Names: Pope, Curll, and the Uses of Anonymity - Pat Rogers
Alexander Pope and Duke upon Duke: Satiric Context, Aims, and Means - Pat Rogers
Imitation in Pope's Eloisa to Abelard - Debra Leissner
Pope, Publishing, and Popular Interpretations of the 'Dunciad Variorum' - Shef Rogers
Pope and Plagiarism - Richard Terry
Pope, John Rackett, and the Slave Trade - Jonathan Pritchard
Pope and the Rhetoric of Natural Phenomena - Roseanne S. Carrara
Defending the Self: Pope and his Horatian poems - John Richardson
Alexander Pope, the Ideal of the Hero, Ovid, and Menippean Satire - Ulrich Broich
Living on the Margin: Alexander Pope and the Rural Ideal - Claudia Thomas Kairoff
Alexander Pope's Epistle to Bolingbroke and the Rhetoric of Embodied Exemplarity - Helen Deutsch
Pope and the Paradoxical Centrality of the Satirist - Thomas Woodman
Alexander Pope and the Somerset Family - Michael Brennan Alexander Pope and the Nature of Language - Simon Alderson "So easy to be lost": Poet and Self in Pope's The Temple of Fame - David Wheeler
Rhyme/Reason, Chaucer/Pope, Icon/Symbol - James I. Wimsatt
Severed hair from Donne to Pope - Erik Gray
Pope's Recusancy - Peter Davidson
The Dunciad and the City: Pope and Heterotopia - Brean Hammond
Cato's Ghosts: Pope, Addison, and Opposition Cultural Politics - Jorge Bastos da Silva
"Mighty Mother": Pope and the Maternal - Jane Spencer
Pope's Epistle to Bathurst and the Meaning of Finance - Tom Jones
Wealth and Words: Pope's "Epistle to Bathurst" - James Engell
Pope: Rape of the Lock - Ian McKillop
Dryden, Pope, and Swift: Intimacy and Eclecticism - Ian McKillop
Alexander Pope's portrayal of Belinda and her society
in The Rape of the Lock - Ian Mackean
Pope's Ombre Enigmas in The Rape of the Lock - Oliver R. Baker
A Question of Competence: The Card Game in Pope's Rape of the Lock - Kathryn Walls
The Rape of the Lock and the Origins of Game Theory - Sean R. Silver
The Use of Supernatural Machinery in The Rape of the Lock - Beena A. Mahida
The Influence of Chronic Illness upon the Writings of Alexander Pope - E. M. Papper
Alexander Pope: His Spinal Deformity and His Doctors - O. P. Sharma
Defining Self and Others: Pope and Eighteenth-century Gender Ideology - Carole Fabricant
Alien voices, ancient echoes: Bakhtin, dialogism, and Pope's Essay on Criticism - Mary Ellen Bellanca
Precious to Grace: Necessary Desolation in Pope's Eloisa to Abelard - Mary Elizabeth Hotz
Exploring the Literate Blindspot: Alexander Pope's Homer In Light of Milman Parry - Elizabeth A. Hoffman
The Letters of Alexander Pope Considered - Henry Hubert Schmitz
'Hand in hand to posterity'? Reading politics in Swift and Pope - Valerie Rumbold
Comparison of Swift's "The Lady's Dressing Room" and Pope's "Rape of the Lock" - Susan Siferd
Alexander Pope: The Portrait of the Artist as a Critic - Matt Kliewer
Samuel Johnson |
=Student Essay
Johnson's Divided Mind - Adam Kirsch
Narratives of hope, fictions of happiness: Samuel Johnson and enlightenment experience - Samuel T. Joeckel
Reading the "religious" language of Samuel Johnson's Sermons - Thomas G. Kass
Imitation in the neo-Latin poetry of Samuel Johnson - David F. Venturo
Sola fide? Samuel Johnson and the Augustinian doctrine of salvation - Gregory Scholtz
Johnson, Boswell & The Biographer's Quest - Jeffrey Meyers
Radical Letters and Male Genealogies in Johnson's 'Dictionary' - Dennis Dean Kezar, Jr.
Repetitive patterns in Samuel Johnson's Rasselas - Duane H. Smith
Samuel Johnson's "love of truth" and literary fraud - Jack Lynch
Samuel Johnson, urban culture, and the geography of Post-fire London - Nicholas Hudson
Johnson and his "Readers" in the Epistolary Rambler Essays - Manushag N. Powell
Reading the "religious" language of Samuel Johnson's Sermons - Thomas G. Kass
The Englishing of Juvenal: Computational Stylistics and Translated Texts - John Burrows
Allegory in the Rambler - Lisa Berglund
The Georgian Way of Death - Kate Chisholm
Formal verse imitation and the rhetorical principles of imitation
in the Neo-Latin poetry of Samuel Johnson - David F. Venturo
Studied Barbarity: Johnson, Spenser, and Literary Progress - Jack Lynch
Restless Wrestling: Johnson's Rasselas - N. Hilton
Samuel Johnson's Rasselas: A Perspective on Islam - Richard F. Fleck
Johnson's Rasselas: Prince of Abissinia and the Culture of the East - Said I. Abdelwahed
Pursuit as Happiness: The Dilemma of Rasselas - Lance Wilcox
The History of Rasselas - Ian McKillop
Adventures in Literary Sleuthing: An Old Edition of Samuel Johnson's Works - Jack Stark
"The most fatal of all faults": Samuel Johnson on Prior's Solomon and the need for variety - Matthew M. Davis
Rasselas' Answer to Vanity - Anthony House
Johnson's Preface to Shakespeare: Then and Now - Anthony House
Station in Life and the Search for Meaning for Thel and Rasselas - Anthony House
The Search for Happiness: Rasselas in Jane Eyre - Shelby White
Thomas Gray |
=Student Essay
Persona, Elegy, and Desire - Chris Mounsey
Elegy unto Epitaph: Print Culture and Commenorative Practice in Gray's "Elegy written in a Country Churchyard" - Michele Turner Sharp
Gray, the Marketplace, and the Masculine Poet - Linda Zionkowski
Explication of Elegy Written
In a Country Churchyard - Michael J. Cummings
Explication of A Long Story - Martin Porter
Oliver Goldsmith |
=Student Essay
"The Deserted Village" and the Politics of Genre - Alfred Lutz
The Story of O: Politics and Pleasure in The Vicar of Wakefield - Timothy Dykstal
From Patrimony to Paternity in The Vicar of Wakefield - David Aaron Murray
Unreliable Narration and the Historical Variability of Values and Norms: The Vicar of Wakefield as a Test Case of a Cultural-Historical Narratology - Vera Nunning
William Cowper |
=Student Essay
Cowper's 'Task' and The Writing of a Poet's Salvation - Deborah Heller
William Cowper's Gypsies - Sarah Houghton-Walker
"Meaner themes": Mock-Heroic and Providentialism in Cowper's Poetry - Richard Terry
News, Blues, and Cowper's Busy World - Julie Ellison
Rescuing the Castaway: The Case of William Cowper - John Greening
Localizing the Problem of Evil: William Cowper and the Poetics of Perspectivalism
- Samuel Joeckel
Hope and Despair in the Writings of William Cowper - Barbara Packer
Insanity and Spiritual Songs in the Soul of a Saint: Reflections on the Life of William Cowper - John Piper
William Collins |
=Student Essay
Collins, Thomson, and the Whig Progress of Liberty - William Levine
Odes of Absorption in the Restoration and Early Eighteenth Century - Margaret Koehler
The Aesthetics of Separation: Collins's "Ode Occasion'd by the Death of Mr. Thomson." - Karen A. Wiseman
Christopher Smart |
=Student Essay
All the Crumbling Edifices Must Come Down: Decoding Christopher Smart's Song to David - John Rose
Christopher Smart's Old Woman's Oratory and the Patent Theatres:
nbsp; Legitimacy, Transgression, and "rational Mirth" - Noel Chevalier
Diagnosing Christopher's case: Smart's readers and the authority of Pentecost - Alan Jacobs
Smart's bawdy politic: masculinity and the second age of horn in 'Jubilate Agno.' - Clement Hawes
Insolent Women and Crest-fallen Men: Christopher Smart,The Midwife, and Literary Travestism - Ross King
James Thomson |
=Student Essay
Collins, Thomson, and the Whig Progress of Liberty - William Levine
The Jacobite Poets of Richmond - Donald Bruce
Thomson's Poetry of Reverie and Milton - David Reid
"A just balance between patronage and the press": The case of James Thomson - James Sambrook
"[A] play, which I presume to call original": Appropriation, creative genius, and eighteenth-century playwriting - Paulina Kewes

Site copyright ©1996-2011 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Page created by Anniina Jokinen on 1 October 2003. Last updated October 30, 2011.
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