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Essays and Articles for Dryden

These essays are not intended to replace library research. They are here to show you what others think about a given subject, and to perhaps spark an interest or an idea in you. To take one of these essays, copy it, and to pass it off as your own is known as plagiarism—academic dishonesty which will result (in every university I've heard tell of) in suspension or dismissal from the university. Not only are your professors as technology-savvy as you are, they will not tolerate theft of another's intellectual efforts.

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Legend:   =Dissertation    =Thesis    = Undergrad Thesis =Student Essay

Dryden's Poetical Works
Dissertation The Concept of Enthusiasm in Some Major Poems of John Dryden - Murray T. Lynn
Dissertation 'Our Lineal Descents and Clans': John Dryden's Fables, Ancient and Modern and the 1690s - Sean Walsh
Thesis Heroic Monarchs, Divine Poets and the Groves of Eden - Lena Ann Sadiwskyj
Thesis John Dryden's Poetry of Death - Pouria T. Tabrizi
The Poet, Not the Man: Poetry and Prose, 1692–1700 - David Bywaters
Poetry as Procreation: John Dryden's Creative Concept of Poetry and Imitation - Christiane Bimberg
"A Greater Gust": Generating the Body in Absalom and Achitophel - Jerome Donnelly
The Marks of Character: Physiology and Physiognomy in Absalom and Achitophel - K.J.H. Berland
Titus Oates as "monumental brass" in Absalom and Achitophel - Kathryn Walls
Dryden as a Political Satirist In Absalom and Achitophel - Sister Mary Bonaventure Biros, O.P.
Parable and Political Controversy in Absalom and Achitophel - John W. Davis
Dryden and the Energies of Satire - Ronald Paulson
Following the Leaf through part of Dryden's Fables - David Gelineau
"Echo's of Her Once Loyal Voice": The Hind and the Panther - David Bywaters
John Dryden and His Satire MacFlecknoe -Joseph Supardjana
The Anti-Poet in MacFlecknoe - J. B. Crider
Dryden's Medal and the Baroque in Politics and the Arts - Nicholas Joost
The Pleiadic Age of Stuart Poesie: Restoration Uranography, Dryden's Judicial Astrology,
          and the Fate of Anne Killigrew - Morgan Alexander Brown

Dryden's Dramatic Works
Dissertation The Female Libertine from Dryden to Defoe [Marriage a la Mode] - Laura L. Linker
Thesis Forbidden Fruit: Dryden's The State of Innocence and Fall of Man - Devane K. Middleton
Thesis Two Laureates and a Whore Debate Decorum and Delight:
          Dryden, Shadwell, and Behn in a Decade of Comedy A-la-Mode - Patricia Ann Chapman [.pdf]
Thesis Politics, Audience, and the Drama, 1679-81 - Bridget McGinn
Thesis Author’s Choice: The Relevance of Author as Casting Director on the Restoration Stage - Jennifer Anderson
Thesis The Eccentric Hero in Dryden's Heroic Plays - Douglas D. Gordon
Undergraduate Thesis Dryden's Exemplary Drama - Richard Seltzer
Undergraduate Thesis A Study of Mark Antony's downfall in John Dryden's All for Love - Lisa Pranoto
Dryden the Playwright - Irvin Ehrenpreis
"All injury's forgot": Restoration Sex Comedy and National Amnesia - Laura J. Rosenthal
"[A] play, which I presume to call original": Appropriation, creative genius, and 18th-century playwriting - Paulina Kewes
Radical Royalism: Strategy and Ambivalence in Dryden's Tragicomedies - Duane Coltharp
Dryden and Neoclassicism [All for Love, Marriage a la Mode] - Thomas Fleming
Meanings of All for Love, 1677-1813 - Tanya Caldwell
Language Fixation in Dryden's All for Love - Marcus Nordlund
Type-Casting in the Restoration Theatre: Dryden's All for Love 1677-1704 - María Joseé Mora
Self-Assessment in Dryden's Amphitryon - Candy B. K. Schille
Identity in Dryden's Amphitryon: Cuckolds of Order - David Gelineau
"Adhering to a Lost Cause": Don Sebastian and Amphitryon - David Bywaters
"With Honour Quit the Fort": Ambivalent Colonialism in Dryden's Amboyna - Candy B. K. Schille
Dryden and Holland [Amboyna] - J.A. van der Welle
Wish-fulfillment fantasies in Dryden's Aureng-Zebe - Jennifer Brady
John Dryden's The Conquest of Granada: The Green-Eyed Monster Reconsidered - Mohammed Rawashdeh
"The Favour of Sovereign Princes": King Arthur and Cleomenes - David Bywaters
Dryden's Battle with Music in King Arthur: The Bracegirdle Hurdle - John Sievers
Purcell and Dryden's King Arthur and the Myth of the Golden Age - Andrea Trocha Van Nort
"A Kind Mistress is the Good Old Cause": The Gender of the Heir in Marriage à la Mode - Laura Rosenthal
Queering on Stage: Transgressions within the Marriage Plot of Restoration Drama [Marriage a la Mode] - Jayoung Min
At the Crossroads: Gendered Desire, Political Occasion, and Dryden and Lee's Oedipus - Candy B. K. Schille
The Politics of Eschatological Prophecy and Dryden's 1700 The Secular Masque - Lisa Zunshine
"A Stranger in a Strange Land": Biblical typology of The Exodus in Dryden's The Spanish Friar - Linda Rohrer Paige
Poetic Authority in Manuscript and Print: The Case of Milton's Paradise Lost and
          Dryden's The State of Innocence and Fall of Man - Lara Dodds
Eve's Nature, Eve's Nurture in Dryden's Edenic Opera - Jennifer L. Airey
Images of Women in Three Early Eighteenth-Century Plays - Megan Katovich
Troilus and Cressida Version to Version: John Dryden and William Shakespeare - Jessica Allen

Dryden's Prose Works
Thesis The Foreign Influences in the Critical Writings of Dryden - Ora Mae Robbins
The Poet, Not the Man: Poetry and Prose, 1692–1700 - David Bywaters

Dryden's Translations
The Englishing of Juvenal: computational stylistics and translated texts - John Burrows
Romantic Juvenal: Translation, Annotation, and Allusion - Michael Edson
Dryden's sixth satire of Juvenal and the sexual politics of monarchy - Tanya Caldwell
Translating difference: The example of "Dryden's last parting of Hector and Andromache" - Greg Clingham

Dryden and Other Authors
Thesis Politics, Audience, and the Drama, 1679-81 - Bridget McGinn
Thesis Swift's Relationship with Dryden - Carol Ann Malone
Milton, Dryden, and the Ideology of Genre - D. M. Rosenberg
Dryden, Milton, and Lucretius - Paul Hammond
Audience and Human Nature in the Poetry of Milton and Dryden - Hasan A. Al-Zubi
Poetic Authority in Manuscript and Print: The Case of Milton's Paradise Lost and
          Dryden's The State of Innocence and Fall of Man - Lara Dodds
A "Double Portion of his Father's Art": Congreve, Dryden, Jonson
          and the Drama of Theatrical Succession - Harold Weber
Dryden, Pope, and Swift: Intimacy and Eclecticism - Ian McKillop
At the Crossroads: Gendered Desire, Political Occasion, and Dryden and Lee's Oedipus - Candy B. K. Schille
Thesis Two Laureates and a Whore Debate Decorum and Delight:
          Dryden, Shadwell, and Behn in a Decade of Comedy A-la-Mode - Patricia Ann Chapman [.pdf]
John Dryden and John Denham - Tanya Caldwell
Chiasmus and the Making of Literary Tradition:
          The Case of Wordsworth and "The Days of Dryden and Pope" - Sanford Budick

Book: Dryden and the Tradition of Panegyric - James D. Garrison
Dryden in His Time & Ours - R. J. Stove
John Dryden: The Politics of Style - Jeffrey Hart
Dignity and Certainty in Augustan Satire - J. Gollner
Dryden after the Revolution: The Authority of Poetic Discourse - Paul Edwards


Site copyright ©1996-2011 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Page created by Anniina Jokinen on July 16, 2011. Last updated October 30, 2011.


Restoration & 18th-century:

Samuel Butler
John Dryden
Samuel Pepys
John Bunyan
Aphra Behn
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester
Anne Finch, Countess of Winchilsea
Mary Astell
William Congreve
Matthew Prior
Daniel Defoe
John Gay
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu
Jonathan Swift
Joseph Addison
Sir Richard Steele
James Thomson
Alexander Pope
Dr. Samuel Johnson
Thomas Gray
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Christopher Smart
Oliver Goldsmith
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