
Song to a Scotish tune. [When Jemmy first began to love]
A Paraphrase on Oenone to Paris.
On A Juniper Tree, Cut Down to Make Busks. [Whilst happy I triumphant stood]
A Ballad on Mr J. H. to Amoret, Asking Why I Was So Sad.
Love Arm'd. [Love in Fantastique Triumph Satt]
The Caution. [My Damon, if your heart be kind]
Song. The Complaint. [Amyntas that true hearted Swaine]
Song. The Invitation. [Damon I cannot blame your will]
To Mrs W. On Her Excellent Verses [Enough kind Heaven! To purpose I have lived]
Song to Ceres. [Ceres, Great Goddess of the bounteous Year]
Song in the same Play, by the Wavering Nymph. [Pan grant that I may never prove]
The Disappointment [One day the amorous Lysander]
On Her Loving Two Equally. [How strongly does my Passion flow]
The Dream. A Song. [The grove was gloomy all around]
A Letter to a Brother of the Pen in Tribulation. [Poor Damon! Art thou caught?]
The Counsel. A Song. [A Pox upon this needless Scorn]
Song. The Surprize. [Phillis whose Heart was Unconfin'd]
In Imitation of Horace. [What mean those Amorous Curles of Jet]
To Lysander, who made some Verses. [In vain, dear Youth, you say you love]
To Lysander, on some Verses he writ. [Take back that Heart, you with such Caution give]
To Lysander at the Music-Meeting. [It was too much, ye Gods, to see and hear]
Love Reveng'd, A Song. [Celinda who did Love disdain]
The Cabal at Nickey Nackeys. [A Pox of the Statesman that's witty]
On the Death of the late Earl of Rochester [Mourn, Mourn, ye Muses]
A Letter to Mr. Creech at Oxford. [Daphnis, because I am your debtor]
Epitaph on the Tombstone of a Child. [This Little, Silent, Gloomy Monument]
To Alexis in Answer to his Poem Against Fruition. [Ah hapless sex!]
On Desire. A Pindarick. [What Art thou, oh! thou new-found pain?]
To the fair Clarinda, who made Love to me [Fair lovely Maid, or if that Title be]
On the Death of E. Waller, Esq. [How, to thy Sacred Memory, shall I bring]
A Congratulatory Poem to Her Sacred Majesty Queen Mary [While my sad Muse]
The Complaint of the Poor Cavaliers. [Give me the man that's hollow]
Song. ['Tis not your saying that you love]
[Oh! how the hand the lover ought to prize]
[O Love! that stronger art than wine]
[A thousand martyrs I have made]
The Court of the King of Bantam (c.1683-4, pub. 1696)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Adventure of the Black Lady (c.1683-4, pub. 1697)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Emory
Complete - Project Gutenberg
Love-Letters Between a Nobleman and His Sister. Three Parts. (1684, 1685, 1687)
Complete - Editions Marteau
The Lover's Watch: or, the Art of Making Love (1686)
Complete - Google Books
[The Caution]
The Case for the Watch (1686)
Complete - Google Books
The Unfortunate Bride; or, the Blind Lady a Beauty (1687)
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Dumb Virgin; or, the Force of Imagination (1687)
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Wandering Beauty (1687)
Complete - Project Gutenberg
Oroonoko; or, the Royal Slave (1688)
Complete - Renascence Editions
Complete - UAdelaide
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The History of Agnes de Castro (1688)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Fair Jilt (1688)
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Lucky Mistake (1688)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The History of the Nun: or, the Fair Vow-Breaker (1689)
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Unfortunate Happy Lady (1696)
Complete - The Republic of Pemberley
Complete - Project Gutenberg
Complete - About.com
The Nun; or, the Perjur'd Beauty (1697)
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Lady's Looking-Glass (1697)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Emory WWRP
[Oh! how the hand the lover ought to prize]
The Unhappy Mistake; or, the Impious Vow Punished (1697)
Complete - Project Gutenberg
An Essay on Translated Prose (1700)
Complete - Emory WWRP
Dramatic Works
The Forc'd Marriage; or, the Jealous Bridegroom (1671)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
[Pisaro's Monologue]
The Amorous Prince; or, the Curious Husband (1671)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Dutch Lover (1673)
Complete - Google Books
Abdelazer; or, the Moor's Revenge (1677)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
Complete Critical Edition - Nils Ivan Clausson
The Town-Fop; or, Sir Timothy Tawdrey (1677)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
[Sir Timothy's Monologue]
The Debauchee; or, the Credulous Cuckold (1677)
The Rover; or, the Banish'd Cavaliers (1677)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Renascence Editions
Complete - U. Adelaide
Complete - eServer
Sir Patient Fancy (1678)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Feign'd Courtesans; or, A Night's Intrigue (1679)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Revenge; or, A Match in Newgate (attrib. 1680)
The Second Part of the Rover (1681)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Renascence Editions
The False Count (1682)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Roundheads; or, the Good Old Cause (1682)
Complete - Google Books
The City-Heiress; or, Sir Timothy Treat-All (1682)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - UVA
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Young King; or, the Mistake (1683)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Emperor of the Moon (1687)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Lucky Chance; or, An Alderman's Bargain (1687)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
[O Love! that stronger art than wine]
The Widow Ranter (1690)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg
The Younger Brother; or, the Amorous Jilt (1696)
Complete - Google Books
Complete - Project Gutenberg

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