
These essays are not intended to replace library research. They are here to show you what others think about a given subject, and to perhaps spark an interest or an idea in you. To take one of these essays, copy it, and to pass it off as your own is known as plagiarism—academic dishonesty which will result (in every university I've heard tell of) in suspension or dismissal from the university. Not only are your professors as technology-savvy as you are, they will not tolerate theft of another's intellectual efforts.
Nota bene: Background and code copyright ©1996-2011 Anniina Jokinen.
| =Dissertation |
=Thesis |
= Undergrad Thesis |
=Student Essay |
Intervention, Improvisation, and Spectral Sanction: Adaptation and Strategies of
Literary Authorization in Oroonoko - Jane Miller Wanninger [.pdf]
Emergence of the Colonizer and the Colonized in Three Texts: William Shakespeare's The Tempest,
Aphra Behn's Oroonoko: or, The Royal Slave, and Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe - Nowshin Nehar [.pdf]
Ideological Tensions in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko - Ana María Manzanas Calvo [.pdf]
Trying to Frame the Unframable: Oroonoko as Discourse in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko - Daniel Pigg
Aphra Behn's Oroonoko and the Middle Passage Effect - Susan Rosenfeld [.pdf]
Shaping and Misshaping Blacks in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko - Hyun-Ock Kim [.pdf]
(Re)Textualizing the Female Body: Maternity and the Negotiations of Power in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko - Sarah Klein
Captains and Slaves: Aphra Behn and the Rhetoric of Republicanism - Warren Chernaik [.pdf]
Violence and Awe: The Foundations of Government in Aphra Behn's New World Settings - Richard Frohock
Caesar's Toils: Allusion and Rebellion in Oroonoko - David E. Hoegberg
Mrs A. Behn and the Myth of Oroonoko-Imoinda - Robert A. Erickson
Aphra Behn, Racism and the Beginnings of Novelistic Discourse - Ruth Nestvold
L'Etranger du texte ou la question du héros dans Oroonoko d'Aphra Behn - Line Cottegnies [.pdf]
The Imperial Gaze in Aphra Behn's Oroonoko - Tsai-hua Yang [.pdf]
The Rover
Carnival Politics, Generous Satire, and Nationalist Spectacle in Behn's The Rover - Adam R. Beach [.pdf]
Cannibalizing and Carnivalizing: Reviving Aphra Behn's The Rover - Susan Carlson [.pdf]
Gestus and Signature in Aphra Behn's The Rover - Elin Diamond [.pdf]
Patriarchy in Aphra Behn's The Rover - Andrea Edl
Behn's Poetry
Ladies of the Shade: The Pastoral Poetry of Aphra Behn, Anne Finch, and Elizabeth Singer Rowe - Heidi Laudien
De-gendering Genre: Aphra Behn and the Tradition of English Verse Satire - Elizabeth V. Young Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, and the Female Pindaric - Stella P. Revard
A Critical Edition of "To the Fair Clarinda" - T. Lynn Dickman
The Sexual Empowerment of Women in Two of Aphra Behn's Poems - Lisa Devine
Aphra Behn and Sexual Identity: Ambiguity and Gender Swapping - David Crook
Rochester and Behn: A Contrast in Crassness, a Comparison of Poems - Penname "Jetlag Democracy"
Behn's Dramatic Works
Critical Edition of Abdelazer; or, The Moor's Revenge by Aphra Behn - Nils Ivan Clausson [.pdf]
Wicked Words, Virtuous Voices: The Reconstruction of Tragic Subjectivity by Renaissance and
Early Restoration Women Dramatists - Marguérite Corporaal [.pdf]
"We never part with our money without desire": Marriage Economics and Attempted Rape
in the Comedies of Behn and Centlivre - Leslie Morrison [.pdf]
Two Laureates and a Whore Debate Decorum and Delight:
Dryden, Shadwell, and Behn in a Decade of Comedy A-la-Mode - Patricia Ann Chapman [.pdf]
Collaboration of Feminist and Postcolonial Discourses in the Plays of Aphra Behn and Caryl Churchill - Erica Spiller
Of Privileges and Masculine Parts: The Learned Lady in Aphra Behn's Sir Patient Fancy - Judy Hayden
'Pretty Contradictions': The Virgin Prostitutes of Aphra Behn's The Feigned Courtesans - Pilar Cuder Domínguez
"'Tis pity that when laws are faulty they should not be mended or abolisht":
Authority, Legitimations, and Honor in Aphra Behn's The Widdow Ranter - Aspasia Velissariou
Lecture de The Widow Ranter d'Aphra Behn: Illusions et désillusions - Claire Boulard
Farce, satire et science dans The Emperor of the Moon d'Aphra Behn - Florence March
Aphra Behn's The City Heiress: Feminism and the Dynamics of Popular Success on the Late Seventeenth-Century Stage - Robert Markley
A Dark Comedy: Aphra Behn's The Town-Fopp - Naoki Kondo [.pdf]
Re-crafting the Heroic, Constructing a Female Hero: Margaret Cavendish and Aphra Behn - Pilar Cuder Domínguez
Love, Death and Resurrection in Tragicomedies by 17th-c English Women Dramatists - Marguérite Corporaal EMLS
Behn's Prose Works
The Variety of Male Desire in Aphra Behn's Prose Fiction - Violetta Trofimova
Aphra Behn's Sentimental History: The Case Study of Agnes de Castro - Sonia Villegas López [.pdf]
Conning the "Overseers": Women's Illicit Work in Behn's The Adventure of the Black Lady - Margaret Ferguson
Aphra Behn and the Beginnings of a Female Narrative Voice - Ruth Nestvold
Behn and Other Authors
"We never part with our money without desire": Marriage Economics and Attempted Rape
in the Comedies of Behn and Centlivre - Leslie Morrison [.pdf]
Two Laureates and a Whore Debate Decorum and Delight:
Dryden, Shadwell, and Behn in a Decade of Comedy A-la-Mode - Patricia Ann Chapman [.pdf]
Collaboration of Feminist and Postcolonial Discourses in the Plays of Aphra Behn and Caryl Churchill - Erica Spiller
Re-crafting the Heroic, Constructing a Female Hero: Margaret Cavendish and Aphra Behn - Pilar Cuder Domínguez
Love, Death and Resurrection in Tragicomedies by 17th-c English Women Dramatists - Marguérite Corporaal EMLS
Katherine Philips, Aphra Behn, and the Female Pindaric - Stella P. Revard
Rochester and Behn: A Contrast in Crassness, a Comparison of Poems - Penname "Jetlag Democracy"
Aphra Behn and the Impossibility of Female Authorship (German) - Ruth Nestvold
The Critical Fortunes of Aphra Behn: Changing Perspectives on Ian Watt's The Rise of the Novel - Ianto Ware

Site copyright ©1996-2011 Anniina Jokinen. All Rights Reserved.
Page created by Anniina Jokinen on June 28, 2006. Last updated March 5, 2011.