"Each night Pecola prayed for blue eyes. In her eleven years, no one had ever noticed Pecola. But with blue eyes, she thought, everything would be different. She would be so pretty that her parents would stop fighting. Her father would stop drinking. Her brother would stop running away. If only she could be beautiful. If only people would look at her." (Back Cover)
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Excerpts Excerpt from The Bluest Eye
Essays and Articles = studentessay
'The Bluest Eye': notes on history, community, and black female subjectivity - Jane Kuenz
Periodizing Toni Morrison's work from 'The Bluest Eye' to 'Jazz': the importance of 'Tar Baby' - Malin Walther Pereira
Insignificant Monkeys: Preaching Black English in Faulkner's The Sound and the Furyand
Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Beloved - William Dahill-Baue
Toni Morrison and the Burden of the Passing Narrative - Juda Bennett
The Politics of Abuse: The Traumatized Child in Toni Morrison and Marguerite Duras - Laurie Vickroy
The Fourth Face: The Image of God in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye - Allen Alexander, African American Review
The Blues Aesthetic in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye - Cat Moses, African American Review
Revolutionary Suicide in Toni Morrison's Fiction - Katy Ryan, African American Review
The Presence, Roles, and Functions of the Grotesque in Toni Morrison's Novels - Alyce R. Baker [.pdf]
Genealogy of Rejection in Morrison's The Bluest Eye - Joy Wills
The Class Distinction Among African Americans in Toni Morrison's
The Bluest Eye, Tar Baby and Song of Solomon - Radka Zlatohlávková [.doc]
Synopsis and analysis of The Bluest Eye - James Blind
Analysis of The Bluest Eye - Kristin Mellage
Oprah's Book Club page for The Bluest Eye - Oprah.com
Toni Morrison on why everyone should read The Bluest Eye - Oprah.com
Randomhouse The Bluest Eye site
NYTimes Book Review
Discussion of The Bluest Eye - Wired for Books
Topics on The Bluest Eye - Dr. Andrade
Study Questions for The Bluest Eye - Cary Henson
Book Notes on The Bluest Eye - Meredith Kramer
Synopsis of The Bluest Eye - The Gale Group
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Created by Anniina Jokinenon May 21, 1997. Last updated on January 9, 2011.